I guess I became a DQ fan at the right time, lmao.
I wonder how much the games are gonna be reworked, I think something more than a new shiny coat of paint and some new QOL is due.
Then again... These games are SUPER rudimentary by today's standards, how much can you change without it making them completely different games? People who weren't around for the 80s play Dragon Quest 1+2 today to experience a piece of history, they aren't really fun in isolation, they're fun to study to learn the roots of so many JRPG concepts we take for granted. Frankly, any version of these games is NOT worth $60 imo, which Square Enix is probably going sell these at anyway. I would recommend buying the versions already out on Switch for like less than $7 or waiting for some big sale when these drop.
ORRRRR... You can emulate the FC originals, here, once you get your legally obtained roms from your dumpster of NES games you have, apply these patches to remove the censorship of the original NES English releases. 1 and 2. If you're new to emulation, take this guide made by the creator of fantasyanime.com, check out the main site if you're interested in playing and learning about more classic JRPGS.
ORRR... Instead of playing the FC originals or the mobile version ports, you can play the Super Nintendo remake bundle, sporting reworked graphics and sound that don't look/sound archaic or cheap and has QOL features! Just get yourself a rom and apply this English Patch!
These essays delve deeper into this series' historical significance. There are technically story spoilers but... these games stories aren't really that special, the real appeal is in the journey of making the story happen if that makes sense.
Romancing Saga 2 remastered on Switch, woo! I've been wanting to delve more into that series sometime.
Hey guys. Guess what? I know exactly how to beat Gnasty Gnorc. This afternoon after I'm done with my Internet time, I plan to try again. Running low on lives though, I hope I won't get a Game Over. Yeah all that'll happen if that happens is I'll get put back into the game with another three lives, but I was hoping to have a complete run of the game without getting any Game Overs. Having to go back and gather up more lives is getting tiresome however (I've been doing it ALL this entire game), so I think I'll let it happen.