I believe that Template:Talk is currently not living up to the potential it is capable of. It may have been put to good use years back, but nowadays Category:Unresolved talk pages seems to get overlooked. This results in greatly delayed responses, and it is even reaching the point where talk page questions are so old and outdated that it just doesn't seem right to respond to them, which has caused the category to build up over time. Our Help:Communication page has a section that describes {{Talk}}, where it states "If you have asked a question about a specific article or content and require an answer, you can place {{talk}} above your question. The talk page itself will then appear in Category:Unresolved talk pages, and other users will be able to reach it from there." This outdated section is no longer of "any" help to users, as even fairly new and recent questions get thrown in amongst the ridiculously old ones and is not noticed by other users. So, I ask what can be done with this template and category? Shall it just remain as it is, with the category slowly growing and the near-useless template still being encouraged as reliable by the help page, or should we consider an alternative? Ideas anyone?