PlayStation Network

Doesen't this thread already exist?

nexandgbx is my PSN
Doesen't this thread already exist?

I didn't find any PSN thread on this board.

Mine's pierre_pogo, though I barely play anything online anymore beside the occassional game of Hawx (I would sure like to do some co-op Blazing Angels, though).
PSN is still down with friends, I heard rumors that it will be up again tomorrow
PSN: fantanoice

Please somebody else have Blur, I love it but nobody else owns it so I never get to play it online.
Sent friend request and,

Phoenix Wright said:
Doesen't this thread already exist?

nexandgbx is my PSN

Can you double check your username because it doesn't exist
my psn's turb224

all i really do is play fighting games
I don't play much aside from Little Big Planet and Metal Gear Solid. I've got Portal 2.

Bought a PS3 not too long ago. PSN is Gamefreak755 for those who want to add me.