Translation request thread


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(was formerly titled "Translation request: Super Mario Advance Interview")

Nintendo's website has an Iwata Asks-esque interview with the core devs of Super Mario Advance. N-sider "translated" it, but according to this Wikipedia talk, the author makes a lot of shit up and N-Sider is generally not reliable. So yeah, if someone could make an (hopefully) more accurate translation, that would be appreciated.

I'm copying the text here since it shows up garbled on the page unless you switch the browser's encoding to shift_jis.

手塚さん 手塚:アメリカで『スーパーマリオ』のゲームボーイカラーバージョン(日本では『スーパーマリオDX』としてニンテンドウパワーで発売中)が好評だったんです。『スーパーマリオ』を遊んでいない人には、新鮮だったんでしょうね。 また、以前に遊んだことのある人には懐かしいタイトルだと思います。これは任天堂の資産として貴重なものなので、今回のアドバンスでぜひ出そうということになりました。私はずっと宮本(情報開発本部本部長)と『マリオ』関係の仕事をしていましたので、今回宮本とともに、スーパーバイザーということでアドバイスをさせてもらいました。


鈴木さん --グラフィックの変更点というのは、主にどんなところですか。


木村さん --ゲームボーイカラーに適した色とアドバンスに適した色は違うんですか。

--対戦モードは『マリオブラザーズ』ですよね。懐かしい! これは、待ちかねていたファンが多そうですね。

手塚さん 鈴木:最後まで苦労した部分です(笑)。





木村さん、手塚さん 木村:グラフィック面では今回、プレイ中のキャラクターよりも大きなキャラクターを扱ったのですが、何度もチェックが入ってやり直しになりました。


木村さん 鈴木:一番厳しかったですね。



鈴木さん 鈴木:そうですね。今回はオリジナルの『スーパーマリオUSA』を作ったプログラマが担当しましたので、作業はやりやすかったですね。



手塚さん --やはり原点のよさを味わってほしい、と。
Camelot's website has an interview about Mario Tennis, which deals with how they chose the character roster (from what I can make sense out of google translate) and more importantly, why they decided to name Waluigi "Waluigi".

edit: just notice it's already linked on Waluigi's page, but while the "WaruPeach" thing is common knowledge, I don't think there's a full translation of that page anywhere... is there?
I don't know if anyone is still interested in this, but I started working on the translation for the above Interview a looooong time ago and kind of forgot about it half way through. As you can see, it's quite different from the N-sider version. I'm too lazy to finish it just now (it's so time consuming T_T), but here's what I translated so far:

-- What was the impetus behind the design for Mario this time around?
手塚さん 手塚:アメリカで『スーパーマリオ』のゲームボーイカラーバージョン(日本では『スーパーマリオDX』としてニンテンドウパワーで発売中)が好評だったんです。
Tezuka-san: The Game Boy Color version of Super Mario (on sale in Japan through Nintendo Power as “Super Mario DX”) was popular in America.
It must have been fresh for people who hadn’t played “Super Mario” before.
And I think it was a nostalgic title for the people who had played it before.
Since this is a valuable asset to Nintendo, we decided we should definitely release it on the Advance.
Since I had a lot of experience working with Miyamoto (Nintendo EAD) on “Mario” projects, I was assigned to work with him this time as Supervisor for the Advance.

-- “Super Mario Advance” is a remake of “Super Mario USA” and “Mario Brothers” right? How did you recreate it for the Advance?
Suzuki: We rebuilt the program from square one.
Kimura: We used graphics data from the Mario Collection for Super Famicom, which included Super Mario USA, but we replaced the effects and presentation that weren’t good enough.
Suzuki: But the Super Famicom and the Advance have different screen sizes.
Because of that, we had to convert the entire landscape and change the presentation.
So it was not just a simple port.
鈴木さん --グラフィックの変更点というのは、主にどんなところですか。
Suzuki-san, what were the main changes you made in the graphics?
Suzuki: Because we added a new system where you can 1-UP or score points by defeating enemies consecutively, we made new graphics for that.
We added a new animation that plays when enemies are defeated consecutively, and it feels a lot more exciting.

-- I feel like there are big enemies that weren’t there before too.
Kimura: Yeah, that’s true. One of the features of the Advance allows us to scale objects (controllable objects, such as characters or items), so we used that to make it so that you can throw some big enemies.
More characters can be displayed on one screen on the Advance, so we consciously tried to highlight that aspect.
And because LCDs are so reflective, we were pretty careful when choosing colors so that the screens wouldn’t be dark.
They aren’t a light emitting type, so they tend to be dark. We’re still in the midst of studying it, but we’re trying to find colors that take advantage of the characteristics of the LCDs as we go along.
木村さん --ゲームボーイカラーに適した色とアドバンスに適した色は違うんですか。
Kimura-san – Are the colors that are suitable for the Game Boy Color different from those suitable for the Advance?
Kimura: Yes, they are. They both have colors that are easy to project and colors that are difficult to project.
Since it’s also a little bit different if the colors display above the machinery, it can be hard to see where you’re moving in the game, and the colors can be a big hindrance.
We checked how it would look on the Advance again and again and again.

--対戦モードは『マリオブラザーズ』ですよね。懐かしい! これは、待ちかねていたファンが多そうですね。
-- Competition Mode is quintessential “Mario Brothers.” It’s so nostalgic! Lots of fans have probably been waiting for this.
Suzuki: Up until now, when you played against someone via a dedicated cable on the Game Boy, everyone needed to have the same cartridge, right?
On the Advance, 4 people can play on just one cartridge.
Originally we were making “Mario Brothers” for the sake of experimenting with that.
Kimura: In the beginning it was a completely different project.
Tezuka: But this time, since with had the opportunity with “Mario,” we decided it should definitely be included as an extra feature.

I left the original Japanese lines in there for reference, or in case someone wants to offer an alternate translation. If I get the time I'll try to finish the rest. :posh:
Fantastic. I love you.
Japanese WW:Touched manual (American English version; PAL's mostly the same from what I saw)

By request of Glowsquid, here's the Ashley page stuff to the best of my ability...



Yahoo! I'm Red. This child is my good friend, Ashley. We live in the Horror House in Diamond City. Ashley is a witch['s] apprentice and she [has to] collect the required witch's items, the ingredients of "Magical Soup". For Ashley's sake, I too am helping to look for the various things around here, somehow. If you see an interesting looking thing, let me know!

"...[In] Ashley's games...collect things..."

(In short, for these games, while you're touching something, slide it to the middle here. Collect quickly or Ashley will be[come] offended and scary. Really.)
Took some liberties with the grammar of the last one and used the wiki names for Woody and Mean Woody ("Bad Woody" would be closer, however):

Stop on the ? spaces ("mass"es?) and receive either Dice Fruit or Coin Fruit.

Mean Woody
Woody's opposite(/inverse/etc.) drops Opposite Dice Fruit and Minus Coin Fruit.

Monty Mole's Home
[The] three places [where] the Monty Moles that change the arrows at the forks [in the path] live.
Walkazo said:
Mean Woody ("Bad Woody" would be closer, however):

Mean Woody
Woody's opposite(/inverse/etc.) drops Opposite Dice Fruit and Minus Coin Fruit.
I ask the question because Mean Woody is currently a conjectural name, and after going to sleep, I realize I should have asked for the romanization (because wiki policies and whatnot).
Yes, next time all you do need is the confirmation that a name is the same name as the one already on the article, and romanized already at that, please say so, because translating stuff for no reason is a bit of a waste of time. Or just look for the name yourself: even before I knew Japanese, I could still match symbols and pick out names. MarioWiki:Japanese also has a complete table of katakana and hiragana for romanization purposes if anyone ever wants to give it a whack.

Anyway, I moved the page to "Waruokio" (ワルキオ = ワ wa, ル ru, キ ki, オ o).
Double-posting to draw attention to NOM's Super Mario Sunshine Interview. N-Sider translated it, but it's ludicrously poorly-written...

Q: From trial and error…

Yoshiaki Koizumi: It was thought that the world was daringly out of character with Mario. Therefore, I thought that a man type character would be used at first. But if there is a man next to Mario, there is a sense of incongruity. Then, we sort of unified the character we thought finally suited the view of the world. However, regarding the man type character we partly made, since the island's Monte fellows and Mare fellows were wacky cartoony residents, they did not have sense of incongruity. Also, the script writer of Animal Crossing helped sequence the resident's words.

(Seriously, what the fuck?)

... and seems similar to their Super Mario Advance interview in term of making shit up. Compare NSider's and this partial translation by a Nintendo World Report staff member

[quote author=NSider]
Q: Did Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto decide the title Super Mario Sunshine?

Kenta Usui: You could say that. Ultimately, Koizumi decided on it though.

Yoshiaki Koizumi: We worked together on that one.

Q: The fact that you can temporarily fly in the sky with the nozzle radically opens up a lot of new gameplay mechanics.

Usui: There were about ten candidates for the type of nozzle which we should use. The FLUDD was actually not one of the favorites, but seemed to work best in a gameplay setting.

Tezuka: The direction of the game would have been too complicated and risky with some of the nozzles we were contemplating.

Usui: There are plenty of shortcuts that can be accessed with the FLUDD. Back to the nozzle point, if this game was not 90% dedicated to the nozzle peripheral, then some of the more complicated nozzles would have been used.

Tezuka: Better gameplay was important. Priority was given to it.

Koizumi: The game is not linear at all.

Tezuka: With the move from 2D to 3D, it is important that we allow for such freedoms.

Q: Was the control constantly adjusted?

Usui: Of course. Miyamoto made sure of that. Koizumi started focusing on that just so he wouldn't have to hear it from the boss.

Q: The scope seems immense thanks to the new overworld.

Tezuka: Yes because it is large.

Usui: The area is about 4 times greater than that of Super Mario 64.

Q: What features didn't make the cut?

Usui: Well of course several nozzles we had on the cutting room. Some preliminary gun type water nozzles could not be used because of all the controversy in the United States. While we put in Yoshi, there were several things we omitted. Some aspects revolving around a Yoshi vomitting water fed to him.[/quote]

[quote author=NWR]Nintendo Online Magazine (NOM): Did Mr. Miyamoto come up with the Super Mario Sunshine title?
Usui: No, Koizumi came up with the name.
Koizumi: I thought Miyamoto would disagree with it, but he seemed to have liked it very much.

NOM: Besdies the normal nozzle, by using the hover nozzle you can fly for a brief moment. We think this changes the nature of the action by quite a lot.
Usui: We had about ten kinds of nozzles, and the hover nozzle was one of the last options.
Tezuka: However, if you have so many kinds of parts, the player becomes confused. As a result, we made the newest concept of hovering the main part of the game.
Usui: But from the view of people that make action games, having a super function like hovering is kind of like cheating. There are actually courses where we tried very hard to make the routes complicated, but with the hover function, you can use a shortcut. As developers, the decision to allow this or not was very difficult.
Tezuka: However, it was more important that when the players play the game, they feel good. As a result, this time we priotized that first.
Koizumi: Basically Miyamoto wanted the game to be broad. This time there are more than one route to the destination.

NOM: By increasing the number of routes, the game feels very vast.
Usui: The area alone is about 4 times Mario 64.

NOM: Were there any stages that did not make it to the final game?
Usui: The nozzles that did not make it to the game seem to be more interesting to talk about. In the beginning, we had a lot of difficulty with the design of the pump. One idea was putting Yoshi on the head and spitting water from the cap. Another idea was having Mario himself spit out the water. In the very beginning, we thought about using guns, but dropped the idea since we considered that when we are releasing in America, we cannot have connections with guns.
Koizumi: We had many nozzles such as one that can shoot water up like fireworks, and another one that was like a sprinkler. But to insert all of them was impossible. We tried to leave only the things that were fun. However, it was difficult because when things become too fun, they can instead become boring. Till the very end we adjusted things like the amount of water the pump holds, the size of the water droplets, the distance the water shoots until.

NOM: Was the control adjusted a lot?
Usui: Miyamoto is very picky about controls.
Koizumi: Miyamoto practically only checked that. (laugh) ][/quote]

Seriously, N-Sider's read like the author pasted the thing in google translate and wrote a fake translation based on what he could make sense of.

edit: analysis by someone reasonably fluent in Japanese

<_2257>: ummmm well their phrasing is awkward
<_2257>: and i dont like the translation of ningen as "man"
<_2257>: sounds very outdated
<Glowsquid>: is "ningen" like, "realistic" or something?
<_2257>: no, "ningen" is "person"
<Glowsquid>: ah ok.
<_2257>: not even "human", because they apply it to animal characters and such
<Glowsquid>: I asked this because literally the first quesiton of the interview (Q: Did Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto decide the title Super Mario Sunshine?), N-Sider says:
<Glowsquid>: " Kenta Usui: You could say that. Ultimately, Koizumi decided on it though."
<Glowsquid>: while the other translation I found says "Usui: No, Koizumi came up with the name."
<Glowsquid>: and if you look at the thread from the OP, there were similar differences in another interview they translated and another one by someone who appears decent in Japanese
<_2257>: i think its because "ie" is both slang for "no" and a conjugation of the verb "iu" whcih means say
<_2257>: "ie" is wahts actually written
<_2257>: but uh, no is definitely what it actually means
<_2257>: in this context
<Glowsquid>: ah
<_2257>: but yeah i think theyve got it baaasically right
<_2257>: but like
<_2257>: "it was thought that the world was daringly out of character with mario"
<Glowsquid>: "daringly out of character" should become a mario fandom meme
<_2257>: thats way too strong for what was said
<_2257>: its more like
<_2257>: "not particularly mario-like"
<Glowsquid>: ah
<Glowsquid>: Even with N-Siders borked translation, I get the gist that they initially had more realistic humans but they thought it was too weird
<Glowsquid>: but, man
Glowsquid said:
My request probably won't be granted until 2022, but if someone could translate Nintendo Online Magazine's Wario Land III interview, that'd be cool.
That page is mostly nitty-gritty programming stuff, but the page before it looks like it's at least got some character design stuff. All of it filled with unfamiliar kanji, of course. The second interview too.

Although maybe the "man-type character" is Il Piantissimo? And they were always gonna have the Nokis and Piantas, so they decided having the one dude as Mario's racing rival wasn't so bad. At lest, that's the vibe I got from the N-Sider paragraph...
Glowsquid asked for some (relatively) quick (n' dirty) translations of Ashley badge info, so here it is (each one is top L, top R, 2nd from top L, 2nd from top R, etc.)


- This series's highly recommended character! Witch in training Ashley!
- [She looks] expressionless but [she is] excited about Halloween! This kind of Ashley-sama [is the] ultimate!
- [The] mischievous witch Ashley! Anybody else's hands getting sweaty [on their] 3DS?
- Big sister (nee-san) Nikki is also a witch! Ashley also came flying in! (or she flew in with Ashley, also the vibe is that they're like sisters in arms, rather than literal sisters)
- Ashley badge / Ashley appears! Happy Halloween!
- Halloween collab Nikki, Ashley / Collab of the witches big sister Nikki and Ashley!


- Futhermore, the witch that was popular at Halloween appears again!
- Santa Cosplay Ashley-sama! Surrender [to her this] Christmas!
- [She's a] witch but enjoys Christmas! [She's] delivering presents!
- This kind of Ashley-sama is an early Christmas present!?
- Free play present~! Is that Spanish for free play!? (i.e. not relevant)
- Santa Ashley / Delivering presents!


- Long-sleeved kimono Ashley-sama! Happy New Year! (more literally: Thank you in advance for all your support this year)
- The kimono also looks good [on her] ne~!
- [She's a] witch but she still goes to the first shrine visitation!?
- Long-sleeved kimono Ashley! / The kimono-[-clad] witch [is] visiting the first shrine! Where is the shrine!?
i like how ashley is an shintoist
Bakuhatsu 1-Up Fūsen
Explosion 1-Up Balloon

(the guide's Furigana are in the brackets)
「スーパーマリオ ヨッシーアイランド攻略ガイドブック」 (Super Mario: Yossy Island Kōryaku Guide Book).
My research tells me that it was published by T2 Publishing (T2出版). Wouldn't they technically be beneath Shogakukan in terms of validity?

but we have that guide and we don't have the shoga one. if the shoga guide is found and says something different then their names will be used.
I have a couple of super-old black-and-white scans of Shoga's guide, and Mock-Up isn't listed with the enemies.
I remember pouring through Nintendo Power's guide not long ago, and despite them naming many redundant enemies, that one was not among them.

Edit: If you were asking if the decoy Shy Guy is in Shogakukan's guide, yes it is. And it has the same name and everything. Just look under the bandit.

Double Edit: I just noticed that in T2's guide, Lantern Ghosts, who are normally Kantera-kun (カンテラくん), are billed as Chika Heihō (地下ヘイホー). I hope I'm not gonna have to hunt down more than just Shogakukan guides now...