Wikitables: What the heck am I reading?

Xiahou Dun

The essence of my parents cannot be thrown away!
Wiki Bureaucrat
Tables are meant to organize information neatly and to have readers quickly understand. Anyhow, there are some disgustingly arranged tables that are giving my sister and I some headaches. We, as in, my sister and I, might be responsible for some of them.

Baby Luigi said:
I absolutely HATE it when editors organize items in a table in an organization like this, this, this (outdated), and this (also outdated). I don't care if it looks "different", organizing items in this manner is a hideous mess, a total eyesore, and entirely unprofessional.

Glowsquid said:
I think wikitables as they're used most of the time are a complete eyesore that don't actually serve to organize the content in any useful way (what the *bleep* is this bull*bleep*?) and I'd gladly support a crackdown on them.

(I don't think is all that related to this thread's subject, though?)

Anyhow, here are some other badly-done tables. In my opinion. Either they're presented so sloppily or the parameters are so far away that it's a scroll fest.

If you find any other eyesore tables that aren't mentioned here, or if you like to provide additional input, you are welcome to post here. It would be nice if these tables are presented more neatly, but right now, just bring some to attention so people will know that we care enough to know that these problems exist.
ugh thank goodness the Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS stage tables look better with the official names...

I suck with tables but I was the one who first added a wikitable to the transformations section of SM3DW because the layout beforehand was atrocious.

so I've condensed it again, thoughts? 'Transformations' probably isn't a suitable header for the lone Small Mario cell, but I couldn't think of a better one so...

It's still abusing the table coding and might not look great on lower-res browsers, idk haven't checked yet. I wouldn't know where to begin with that character chart. Perhaps reformatting it so that the advantages, disadvantages and unlocking criteria are in one column under a 'Traits' or 'Abilities' header or something?
That's MUCH better than the previous one.

Small Mario is technically a transformation in this game; you technically "transform" when you get hit by an enemy. And Small Mario isn't the default form.
Fronk said:
so I've condensed it again, thoughts? 'Transformations' probably isn't a suitable header for the lone Small Mario cell, but I couldn't think of a better one so...
Thanks so much. The less padding, the better.

I'm no expert in wikitables either, so there are probably finely crafted atrocities by me.
Rearranged this mess. I have a fairly wide monitor so the table stretching across looks horrendous. Would like to fix that.

Will tackle Super Mario Galaxy 2 at some point.
Fronk said:
I wouldn't know where to begin with that character chart. Perhaps reformatting it so that the advantages, disadvantages and unlocking criteria are in one column under a 'Traits' or 'Abilities' header or something?
Try taking cues from Super Mario Bros. 2, where the table isn't as expansive, but it provides its information nearly as quickly (even though the leftmost column can be cut and compensated).
I plan on using Wikitables for Luigi's Mansion, the Mario's Items one is currently in there. If you want me to change stuff around I'm perfectly fine, but what do you think of how it's presented in the article?
Please....don't place the image to the very right....please. That's the exact layout I've been criticizing

I changed it
This article is a mess of wikitables

Some stuff in there is questionable (rival order), unnecessary (kart sizes), and just downright ugly and non-presentable (control schemes and item order, the latter being removed)
As of this writing, this is the current revision of stamp article.

I think a gallery is better suited because those stamp images are wholly unnecessary (not to mention, frankly, they're kind of ugly like this). Galleries convey information much more quickly. But, I like to know if there's a good reason to keep the format like this.
According to Mario7, the stamps are supposed to link to the corresponding stamp pages. I guess that makes them less useless, but I don't like the formatting anyway. It isn't straightforward. Any way to link to the stamp pages without confusing the reader or making the formatting look ugly?
What about in the gallery formatting having the link to a stamp page there? When people click on it, they'll probably be looking more for the stamp page rather than the game page.
or maybe they will be looking for the game in question. workaround?


There is another thing that bother me though, kinda off-topic but is this (File:Stamp_Icon.png) allowed (being fan-made)?
No it's not. Anything fanmade is not allowed
Eh, Mario7 isn't really cooperating. Not responding to my discussion and continues to undo our edits...