Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite (Signups closed)


Shine Sprite
Chat Administrator
Awards Committee
Retired Wiki Staff
'Shroom Consultant
It's finally that time of the year, and to celebrate it, we're doing our first second third ever Secret Santa! This is an event where you can sign up to give and receive presents from other forum members.

Please carefully read the rules before signing up, as failure to follow them may get you banned from participating in potential future Secret Santas!

also freakworld is banned because he fucked shit up last year

  • Signups start from the moment this thread is opened and close on December 10th, 2015, 9:00 PM EST. Once signed up, please remember that while you will get a gift, you are also expected to give one! Neglecting to do this without giving a good reason is highly frowned upon and will likely get you barred from entering any future Secret Santas. Please make sure you will have enough time to make/get a gift before signing up.
  • After signups have closed, you will be PMed the name of a person who has also signed up. They will be the one to receive your gift. You can post your interests in the thread to help other people think of a gift for you. Good ideas for gifts include self-made artwork, self-made music, a short self-made game, a Steam game, and similar things.
    Note: if you plan to spend money on the event, in order to make sure everyone gets fair gifts, a recommended price range is $5-$10. Sending Steam games only to people you know have Steam accounts may be a good idea, as it ensures people can use the gift they receive.
  • The deadline for sending in your gift is December 23rd, 2015, 9:00 PM EST. Please send your gift to me, either by PMing a link to me or friending me on Steam and trading it to me. I will distribute the gifts sometime around the 25th-27th.

  • Stargazing (Nozomi Toujou)
  • FireEevee (Sylveon)
  • Lily (Yuusuke Makishima)
  • ARFU (Toudou Jinpachi)
  • MCD (Greg Universe)
  • Uniju
  • Nysic (Kotori Minami)
  • Roy Koopa (Cat Gray)
  • NEXandGBX (Hosnowka Kosaka)
  • DragonFreak (Beast Boy)
  • Crocodile Dippy
  • Smg2daisy
  • Fantanoice (Santa)
  • Meta Knight (Meta Ridley)
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite


edit: oh yeah i forgot to list things i care about:

anime anime anime anime here's my steam account
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

i'll sign up

i promise to not get a shitty gift this year
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

I did this in 2013 but had to drop out so let's try again

also I don't use steam

may attempt to draw somebody as well
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

put me in, chief

i may not be able to provide steam games as gifts this year unless it's fine being late like last year. i'm completely broke atm and will most likely get the cash i'd need shortly after the deadline.
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

Hosnowka Kosaka said:
i'm completely broke atm

I'm with you man

that's why I can't pay for anything even though it would be pretty inexpensive so hopefully you don't mind my attempting some hand drawn art because I'm not much of an artist tbh
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

I'm in for this
also Imma say in advance: I would rather no steam games unless its undertale cus with uni I tend to be pretty busy so don't want a new game to play when I still haven't completed a ton of others
but Undertale is the exception as I DO want to play that quite badly, but idk I might end up buying it myself, it depends closer to the time.
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

With me, literally anything goes as long as it's for Canada/North America, I can't use/play it if it's region locked. Songs, drawings, etc. are also great, because you guys are all great artists.

Just don't spend more than you should.

I also have no access to the money I own, so if you want a Steam game out of me, sorry.
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

allo allo

I like music and dumb gamer merch
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

*points to le steam wishlist* B)
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite


I don't really care whether it's art or a steam game. I'm thankful for anything
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

Yuusuke Makishima said:
I'm in for this
also Imma say in advance: I would rather no steam games unless its undertale cus with uni I tend to be pretty busy so don't want a new game to play when I still haven't completed a ton of others
but Undertale is the exception as I DO want to play that quite badly, but idk I might end up buying it myself, it depends closer to the time.
Ok I have undertale now so don't bother with steam games at all for me.
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

you have a little under 2 days left to sign up so do that if you want to
Re: Mario Boards Secret Santa III: The Reckoning: Infinite

only a few hours left to sign up
all pms should be sent out, let me know if you didn't get one
ill be sending everything that i have out over the next couple of days, people who are holding on to gifts to send themselves should start doing that as well
I got a collection of rather attractive pictures of Link and Speed of Sound Sonic from FE which were glorious
Beast Boy said:
I got a cute picture of Lucas from NEX~

I'll link it if you want me to NEX.
Sure, go nuts.

I got Garry's Mod and Terra Incognita ~ Chapter 1: The Descendant from Meta Knight. Thanks!