Kotaku interviews Dayv Brooks


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Dayvv Brooks is a former NOA employee who edited the wiki in 2012 and eventually contacted the staff to confirm some stuff about the localized names in Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World. Obviously, it was a very memorable experience for us!

Turns out that Kotaku interviewed him today, and while brief, he article provides some interesting insight in the workings of NOA and the thought process that went in naming the Koopalings. Now who's calling dibs on creating Dayvv Brooks?
Dayww Brooks has an [[User:Dayvvbrooks|account]] on the Super Mario Wiki.

i know this is bad memeing but one can always dream
Neat. Although yeah, it's weird that in the Kotaku interview, he contradicts what he told us about Larry, instead saying there is no namesake, whereas 3 years ago, he specifically said it was Larry Mullen Jr. I'd be more tempted to stick with what he went out of his way to tell us, rather than an offhand interview with Kotaku. It makes more sense than naming all 7 Koopalings and Reznor after people, but then pulling the last name from a hat for no reason.

He should totes get an article.
Walkazo said:
Neat. Although yeah, it's weird that in the Kotaku interview, he contradicts what he told us about Larry, instead saying there is no namesake, whereas 3 years ago, he specifically said it was Larry Mullen Jr. I'd be more tempted to stick with what he went out of his way to tell us, rather than an offhand interview with Kotaku. It makes more sense than naming all 7 Koopalings and Reznor after people, but then pulling the last name from a hat for no reason.

He should totes get an article.

You still think his account is legit?
It absolutely is. He provided his credentials and all.
Yeah, he went far out of his way to prove (in private to the admins) that he was who he said he was.