Ah yes, Pokemon LeafGreen Version, the game that got me into gaming to begin with. Since the series' 20th anniversary is tomorrow (or today, depending on your timezone), I figured I'd start replaying it.
The opening wasn't very important. Yes Oak, I KNOW what a Pokemon is. Bah, whatever.

I couldn't really think of a better name for the rival.
"Are you ready to start your Pokemon journey?" Well at least let me get some coffee fi-

So I wound up in my room, in front of the TV.

This...uh...this is sexual.

Ah yes, the system that we used to get the Potion in there and then never touched it again. Ever.
I go downstairs to check up with mom and she said that Oak was next door. So I looked next door.

Sick of her bastardized attitude, I decide to run away from home.

And where the hell have you been? Actually, during battles, why don't the Pokemon ever attack me as a person instead of my Pokemon. If they aren't doing that, how is going out unsafe?
But hey, I shouldn't be so pouty. Anyways, he leads me to his lab and lets me pick a starter.

I chose Charmander for the sole reason that I started with him in my first playthrough.

I heard you have a fire problem?
Shy Guy challenges me to a battle, which even though I got critical hitted once, I managed to win.

After that, I get outta there and begin beating up some wild Pokemon to train up Edo a bit.

So far so good.
I arrive in the next town and after healing up I go to the Poke Mart because I already know what to do.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say these are drugs.
And after a short hike back, I delivered Oak the goods. He gave Shy Guy and I Pokedexes and Poke Balls.
Shy Guy then makes a snarky comment about his map.

I already have multiple parts of images done, but I'm trying to space it out a bit.
Anyways, this is a basic, vanilla run of LeafGreen. No nuzlocke, no randomizer. I'm doing this because it feels more like I'm going back to my roots this way, though if I weren't aiming for that I likely would have done the latter.
This is likely going to become a general screenshot forum playing thread for me so if you guys have any requests on what I should play next, lay them on me!