Shy Guy
I, TYROREXDMZ (hereafter also referred to as DMZapp, I, my, and all first person pronouns) permanently and irrevocably waive any and all rights to Nintendo Co. Ltd (hereafter also referred to as "Nintendo", Nintendo of Japan, "them", "their" and "they") regarding MY IDEAS FOR AN EXPANDED VERSION OF PAPER MARIO COLOR SPLASH, as well as any further post I personally make in this topic/thread and/or any other dedicated topics/threads on any website, message board or discussion platform anywhere, including website types not mentioned or yet to be discovered/invented. I also waive any & all rights to Nintendo regarding images I personally create, alter and/or display in some way regarding MY IDEAS FOR AN EXPANDED VERSION OF PAPER MARIO COLOR SPLASH, as well as the ideas the images convey. All loopholes which would circumvent the intention of this waiver (TO GIVE NINTENDO THE RIGHTS TO NEW IDEAS REGARDING PAPER MARIO SO THEY AREN'T LOCKED OUT OF SELECT PARTS OF THEIR OWN FRANCHISE) are closed.
This is a repost of a topic on GameFAQs and Mario RPG Universe. If you already frequent those sites, you may have already seen this topic.
I am TyrorexDMZ aka DMZapp. I am a huge fan of the Mario series- specifically Paper Mario. Paper Mario 64 and Super Paper Mario were always my favorites, despite some rough edges.
Due to the actions of the 3DS/Wii U era development team for the series, however, the series was left with rusted blades. Eventually, I got motivated enough to try and make a stand. Over the years, I've done two original fan topics (entitled Paper Mario Relic Hunter and Paper Mario Wonder Journey), and two recuts of the 3DS era games. They weren't actual (re)programmed games, however (something that would get on Nintendo's nerves). They just described (and eventually visualized) the things I would do.
When Color Splash was announced in March 2016, people realized it was similar to Sticker Star in it's ideals. Wonder Journey was made in 3 months in response to this. The E3 2016 further demonstrated the developers (especially the producers...) don't really "get" the series. Needless to say, I felt I had to do something once again.
That's why, now, I am announcing the forthcoming, to eventually be posted here on Super Mario Boards...Paper Mario: Color Splash Recut [DMZ ver].
*Box-art subject to change.
Like the previous Recut topics, Color Splash Recut will rectify many inevitable rougher points of the original game, while working alongside the new ideas. The Toad population being severely cut down and replaced/visually individualized where appropriate (including 1 never-before-seen friendly species)? Check. Another villain group (already decided upon) fighting against the Koopalings and their Master (whomever it could possibly be)? Check. Partners and heavily overhauled "Things" (given a new-ish, yet familiar overarching name)? Check. In fact, despite being a Recut, it's more a hybrid between that and a new creation.
Due to the late posting of this topic to this forum, I've had several assets prepared already. New model sheets, new takes on the story, and all that good stuff.
Two things to state, though. First, instead of reposting all 4 preceding fangame topics here again, I'll just post the links to them. If you've already seen them at reddit or read them when they came out, you can skip to the next section. Technically, I could do the same with this very topic as well- but where's the fun in that? Let's just say...some stuff from these topics might be pertinent to the upcoming Color Splash Recut...
GameFAQs (no pics)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997828-paper-mario-sticker-star/70178398
Mario RPG Universe (doctored pics)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/462/paper-mario-sticker-recut-tyrodmz
GameFAQs (new pics, model sheets)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187636-paper-mario-color-splash/73882465
Mario RPG Universe (new pics, model sheets)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/514/paper-mario-wonder-journey
GameFAQs (doctored pics)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/168675-mario-and-luigi-paper-jam/72975161
Mario RPG Universe (doctored pics)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/464/mario-luigi-paper-recut-tyrorexdmz
RELIC HUNTER (2013, 2016)
GameFAQs (no pics)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997828-paper-mario-sticker-star/67367224
Mario RPG Universe (a few pics)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/461/paper-hunter-special-boards-version
Second thing is clarifying just what that scary waiver is doing up there. Well, while I don't expect them to ever actually happen for various obvious reasons, it's still best/safer for everyone that I type it, than inadvertently letting these situations happen...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Zimmer_Bradley#Literary_career (CTRL + F "For many years, Bradley")
Full topic quicklinks:
ACT 1: http://www.marioboards.com/index.php?topic=37688.0
ACT 2: http://www.marioboards.com/index.php?topic=37787.0
ACT 3+: http://www.marioboards.com/index.php?topic=37794.0
I, TYROREXDMZ (hereafter also referred to as DMZapp, I, my, and all first person pronouns) permanently and irrevocably waive any and all rights to Nintendo Co. Ltd (hereafter also referred to as "Nintendo", Nintendo of Japan, "them", "their" and "they") regarding MY IDEAS FOR AN EXPANDED VERSION OF PAPER MARIO COLOR SPLASH, as well as any further post I personally make in this topic/thread and/or any other dedicated topics/threads on any website, message board or discussion platform anywhere, including website types not mentioned or yet to be discovered/invented. I also waive any & all rights to Nintendo regarding images I personally create, alter and/or display in some way regarding MY IDEAS FOR AN EXPANDED VERSION OF PAPER MARIO COLOR SPLASH, as well as the ideas the images convey. All loopholes which would circumvent the intention of this waiver (TO GIVE NINTENDO THE RIGHTS TO NEW IDEAS REGARDING PAPER MARIO SO THEY AREN'T LOCKED OUT OF SELECT PARTS OF THEIR OWN FRANCHISE) are closed.
This is a repost of a topic on GameFAQs and Mario RPG Universe. If you already frequent those sites, you may have already seen this topic.
I am TyrorexDMZ aka DMZapp. I am a huge fan of the Mario series- specifically Paper Mario. Paper Mario 64 and Super Paper Mario were always my favorites, despite some rough edges.
Due to the actions of the 3DS/Wii U era development team for the series, however, the series was left with rusted blades. Eventually, I got motivated enough to try and make a stand. Over the years, I've done two original fan topics (entitled Paper Mario Relic Hunter and Paper Mario Wonder Journey), and two recuts of the 3DS era games. They weren't actual (re)programmed games, however (something that would get on Nintendo's nerves). They just described (and eventually visualized) the things I would do.
When Color Splash was announced in March 2016, people realized it was similar to Sticker Star in it's ideals. Wonder Journey was made in 3 months in response to this. The E3 2016 further demonstrated the developers (especially the producers...) don't really "get" the series. Needless to say, I felt I had to do something once again.
That's why, now, I am announcing the forthcoming, to eventually be posted here on Super Mario Boards...Paper Mario: Color Splash Recut [DMZ ver].

*Box-art subject to change.
Like the previous Recut topics, Color Splash Recut will rectify many inevitable rougher points of the original game, while working alongside the new ideas. The Toad population being severely cut down and replaced/visually individualized where appropriate (including 1 never-before-seen friendly species)? Check. Another villain group (already decided upon) fighting against the Koopalings and their Master (whomever it could possibly be)? Check. Partners and heavily overhauled "Things" (given a new-ish, yet familiar overarching name)? Check. In fact, despite being a Recut, it's more a hybrid between that and a new creation.
Due to the late posting of this topic to this forum, I've had several assets prepared already. New model sheets, new takes on the story, and all that good stuff.
Two things to state, though. First, instead of reposting all 4 preceding fangame topics here again, I'll just post the links to them. If you've already seen them at reddit or read them when they came out, you can skip to the next section. Technically, I could do the same with this very topic as well- but where's the fun in that? Let's just say...some stuff from these topics might be pertinent to the upcoming Color Splash Recut...
GameFAQs (no pics)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997828-paper-mario-sticker-star/70178398
Mario RPG Universe (doctored pics)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/462/paper-mario-sticker-recut-tyrodmz
GameFAQs (new pics, model sheets)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/187636-paper-mario-color-splash/73882465
Mario RPG Universe (new pics, model sheets)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/514/paper-mario-wonder-journey
GameFAQs (doctored pics)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/168675-mario-and-luigi-paper-jam/72975161
Mario RPG Universe (doctored pics)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/464/mario-luigi-paper-recut-tyrorexdmz
RELIC HUNTER (2013, 2016)
GameFAQs (no pics)- http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/997828-paper-mario-sticker-star/67367224
Mario RPG Universe (a few pics)- http://forum.mariorpguniverse.com/thread/461/paper-hunter-special-boards-version
Second thing is clarifying just what that scary waiver is doing up there. Well, while I don't expect them to ever actually happen for various obvious reasons, it's still best/safer for everyone that I type it, than inadvertently letting these situations happen...
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marion_Zimmer_Bradley#Literary_career (CTRL + F "For many years, Bradley")
Full topic quicklinks:
ACT 1: http://www.marioboards.com/index.php?topic=37688.0
ACT 2: http://www.marioboards.com/index.php?topic=37787.0
ACT 3+: http://www.marioboards.com/index.php?topic=37794.0