Larry Koopa
Hi guys, I have to say I'm sorry for being a childish coocooo head over my old map that [really sucks] and needs a bit more explaining to do but let's have some creative thought on this new section.
I believe my previous thread was on Ch.7 or something, currently I finished Ch.13 so here will be some debunking and Q of A.
Here's the updated map (not accurately scales):
YI is bigger than Beanbean Kingdom?
This map isn't meant for scale modelling.
Wait a minute. Bowser's castle is east of Peach's not west of it!
I used the only definite cardinal direction on record from the wiki that stated the Beanbean Kingdom shares its NE border with the Mushroom Kingdom. The map for ML:SS shows Bowser's castle floating in the NW section, so that's why using that logic i put it W of MK. It's my interpretation, I'll be respectful if you disagree since Nintendo always has the Koopas attacking from the E and Mario heads that direction almost every time. Assuming that this world is on spherical globe, Bowser could attack either direction. A deeper thought on that is, since in space there is no definite up or down, you could flip the map around and call the western direction the east.
What is the "Kremisphere"?
I decided to add a little bit of DK stuff for the hell of it. Basically, it's a region of two islands (one bigger, one smaller) and they're kinda influential in the Kong and Croc conflicts.
Because there's a bigger world out there than just Koopas vs Toads. I feel it shouldn't be so geocentric.
Will add more later.
Plz comment and discuss.
I believe my previous thread was on Ch.7 or something, currently I finished Ch.13 so here will be some debunking and Q of A.
Here's the updated map (not accurately scales):

YI is bigger than Beanbean Kingdom?
This map isn't meant for scale modelling.
Wait a minute. Bowser's castle is east of Peach's not west of it!
I used the only definite cardinal direction on record from the wiki that stated the Beanbean Kingdom shares its NE border with the Mushroom Kingdom. The map for ML:SS shows Bowser's castle floating in the NW section, so that's why using that logic i put it W of MK. It's my interpretation, I'll be respectful if you disagree since Nintendo always has the Koopas attacking from the E and Mario heads that direction almost every time. Assuming that this world is on spherical globe, Bowser could attack either direction. A deeper thought on that is, since in space there is no definite up or down, you could flip the map around and call the western direction the east.
What is the "Kremisphere"?
I decided to add a little bit of DK stuff for the hell of it. Basically, it's a region of two islands (one bigger, one smaller) and they're kinda influential in the Kong and Croc conflicts.
Because there's a bigger world out there than just Koopas vs Toads. I feel it shouldn't be so geocentric.
Will add more later.
Plz comment and discuss.