Who's your pipe dream main cast addition?


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Do you ever want an obscure character to join main cast because of the following reasons?

*This character has very unique traits that the current main cast severely lacks.
*It'd be fun to see him/her interact with every single current main cast.
*This character can provide a very unique moveset in gameplay.
*This character can play an important role for the core storytelling of the franchise.
*This character's performance in the origin was really remarkable.

Not counting the followings:
*New faces on Nintendo Switch.
*Characters that are still active and recurring in modern games.
*All "mainline" origins, including Super Mario mainline, DKC and early DK titles, Wreckin' Crew, Wario Land and Warioware, Yoshi titles and Luigi's Mansion etc.

If one day you got the chance to make Nintendo realize a wish for main cast addition, which character would you request and why?
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Poor old Winky the frog because Rare killed him off after his first game
He's not even that obscure, since he was in Smash but I'd like R.O.B. to be included in more Mario games and be made into a more fleshed out character. I think he first appeared as a character in Mario Kart DS after all. I really like robot characters and I think he would make a fun addition to the cast.
I wouldn't call some of these obscure.

But if I had to pick and if multi-media is allowed then Herman Smirch.
Poor old Winky the frog because Rare killed him off after his first game
Wiki told me that his first game isn't a spin-off.

Abraham Lincoln
I don't think Nintendo have the right to make use of him as he doesn't belong to them.

He's not even that obscure, since he was in Smash but I'd like R.O.B. to be included in more Mario games and be made into a more fleshed out character.
By narrow definition, Nintendo don't count him as a Marioverse member so he is a guest to Mario just like Link and Isabelle.
Wiki told me that his first game isn't a spin-off.
I mean that depends on whether or not you count DKC and other Donkey Kong games as spinoffs, personally I think they count as spinoffs of the Mario franchise, but that's kind of subjective
Vivian & Prince Peasley (especially because I ship them with Mario & Luigi respectively)

I also want Fawful to become a racer in Mario Kart, but idk about in a mainline game unless it's specifically aiming to tell a parallel/alternate story to that of M&L. Otherwise it would undermine his death in BIS if it was set after it. I don't think adding him to a Mario spinoff roster should matter for that though, as I always considered those to be celebrations of Mario legacy without being tied to any timeline or plot.

Also, the humans from the earlier Mario Sports games should come back, like Plum. I think having more humans in the Mushroom Kingdom would be a good thing, it always felt odd that outside the Mario Bros, Wario Bros, and the princesses + Pauline, humans just don't exist in the Mario world (outside select one-off appearances). Also, Foreman Spike. IDK if the movie disqualifies him from this thread, but he's failed to show up again since and I really hoped the movie would be his ticket into the modern games.

Yeah it's hard for me to pick just one, there are many characters I think Nintendo should use more.
Lincoln is a historical figure, not a copyrighted work. Nintendo could use him however they want.

Then the problem would be it's hard to answer to the main post which needs to fulfill the criteria for a main cast.

Not that parody characters don't exist, but they're few, and you need to fill in a real original character content even if the skin is a historical figure parody. If you cannot have any precise idea how to execute it well, this would not be a serious answer.
I am not sure if everybody considers him as part of the main cast, but in case he's not, I will pitch a vote for Waluigi.

Now I know some of you might be thinking: Waluigi? He's pretty popular! While that could be the case, and indeed he found his way in character group art, there's no denying that some people are in denial of Waluigi's main cast status. Even Wario gets more easily treated as part of the main gang, partly because he appears in the main game AND have his own games. And it doesn't help that Waluigi haven't appeared in a game that are respected, which are: Super Mario platformers, character games (Donkey Kong, Yoshi, Wario Land, WarioWare, Luigi's Mansion, Princess Peach), or an RPG (whose characters happen to be exempt from the spinoff stigma). Yes, it seems like Baby Wario is considered more respected because he appears in a Yoshi game (which is considered respected), even though Baby Wario had like 1 or 2 appearances over Waluigi's few dozen ones.

It doesn't help that Waluigi has some obsessive fans, which I imagine tarnish the character for some. It's unfortunate that for characters like Daisy and Waluigi, their reputation took a hit because of said fans, which somehow didn't apply for certain other characters like Luigi or Rosalina. Of course it's preferable if said fans don't get in the way to colour the opinion, but it's sad that certain favourites of mine can't be enjoyed because some people ruins the fun.

Again, I can't tell if Waluigi is a main cast member, but sometimes it seems like there is a lot of pushback for the character that it feels like he's pushed out of that spot.

I suppose... Edison? I like the idea of another guy with a different profession being part of the gang, even though it won't help the image of men characters getting the diversity compared to the women characters.

Thank you for reading.
I mean that depends on whether or not you count DKC and other Donkey Kong games as spinoffs, personally I think they count as spinoffs of the Mario franchise, but that's kind of subjective
I mean that's why I add definition in the top.

Also, the humans from the earlier Mario Sports games should come back, like Plum. I think having more humans in the Mushroom Kingdom would be a good thing, it always felt odd that outside the Mario Bros, Wario Bros, and the princesses + Pauline, humans just don't exist in the Mario world (outside select one-off appearances). Also, Foreman Spike. IDK if the movie disqualifies him from this thread, but he's failed to show up again since and I really hoped the movie would be his ticket into the modern games.
I like the pre-built human and wouln't mind Nintendo to promote them, but tbh Mario human are saturated and some are still underused, so I can understand why NIntendo don't push more.

I think both human and non-human are fine. What Mario main series really lacks is characters that have different purposes outside the Peach vs Bowser rivalry affiliations.

As you say, the movie is nice to remind audience that people on the Mario world can have an entirely different life that has nothing to do with Bowser's troubles.