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  • I just realized.

    If Waluigi gets to Smash, it will seriously disrupt World of Plight.

    Eh, I'll find a workaround.
    if waluigi gets into smash

    the entire universe will implode
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    That's okay, I want him too much for Nintendo to add him so you're good
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    What if instead he takes Bowsers place as president of Nintendo

    World of Plight is due tomorrow and I haven't started yet.

    I really need to organize my time better.
    That's from Cat's Cafe, isn't it? I only heard about that comic from GoComics, but I kind of like it.

    Thank you for reading.
    I'm not the only one who thinks Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky should be able in Versus Mode of M+R, right?


    Just me?


    On a side note, I'm missing maybe seven runes in the Donkey Kong Adventure after opening every chest and clearing all the levels and regular challenges. I just haven't completed two of the Ultimates yet, but it may be a while before I do. Anyone know where I can get those, or are there just not enough runes (and power orbs, come to think of it) to complete the skill trees?
    ive 100% both campaigns and yeah theres never enough power orbs or runes to get everything on the skill trees
    dk anbd rabbid cranky would be nice to have in other modes yeah! but theyd probably have to be balanced somehow? like normally i imagine theyre balanced around a campaign where you can only use 3 characters as is
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    Ah. Well that sucks.

    Maybe a second Mario + Rabbids game could add that or something. I wouldn't mind that. But they did come up with those different move sets and what not for the others, so I don't see why they couldn't for DK and RC.

    Oh yeah, I cleared that Ultimate Bad Banana challenge yesterday. Barely.
    About 15 Rabbids were closing in on Cranky who was standing in front of the last bunch, DK was out, and Rabbid Peach could only heal him. But I moved him in a good line of sight and activated Stink Eye so if someone came around the corner or if a Hopper jumped up and over, he would blast right through the bunch. And he did. I was sweating so hard, because if he died, Rabbid Peach wouldn't be able to make it there to break the last bunch. I'm just glad there weren't any Supporters.
    In retrospection, my current theme may have been an unwise choice.

    Oh well.
    Did it ever occur to you that the American Revolution was a civil war?
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples

    America kinda sucks, doesn't it?
    • Angry
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    I mean, given its current state where people are going nuts and rioting over the stupidest things...

    Yeah, I'd say so.

    But it blew my mind when I learned that in my history class.
    You of all people have an anime girl as your pfp? 😱
    Oh I see that now. The hair and the head shape and everything made me think it was a girl. I wasn't paying a heckton of attention leave me alone.
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    now that's meta
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    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    How did I not notice this? There's literally an M right there
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    If I told a lie like the moon was made of cheese and one billion people believed me, would it still be a lie?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Yes because it's still not true, now you just have one billion people who are wrong
    If everyone decided to do something wrong like cheat on a test, would it still be wrong?
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Yeah, I would say so.
    We just watched episode 8 of WandaVision.

    But now I have to study because I have a bunch of school due on Monday so we aren't going to watch episode 9.

    Uh oh.
    M+R keeps crashing whenever I try to open my main story mode file. It also still won't open if I copy.

    Help please.
    After further inspection, I think the save file is corrupted.

    : (
    How exactly does one clear the Heinous Subterraneous! challenge in M+RKB DK DLC? It's the only challenge I haven't cleared in DK (Holy crud that went by fast) but I can't figure it out.
    OH WAIT. @ZelenPixel, just realized I was thinking of a different challenge. I cleared Heinous Subterraneous and the first Ultimate Challenge, but didn't take time to fully play the other three. (I looked at them though. Why are the maps so stinkin' big?!)
    ive actually 100% the game but BOY for ttwo of the ultimate challenges ive just had to rely on YOutube Mario + Rabbids - Donkey Kong Adventure: All Ultimate Challenges
    Ah, cool.
    In case you didn't read the above post... my main file in the main mode was corrupted. Now I have to go back to Tom Phan and I lost a lot of progress on challenges and collectibles...

    Also, I still can't figure out Quantum Leap What do I do for that? I may have figured it out, but I haven't had a chance to check.

    Send someone for Mario to vault off in front of the farthest Smasher? Is that it?
    I'm seeing all these Japanese anime names on here and half-wishing I knew what they were.
    i guess since mario has animation and comes from Japan, I guess that kinda means that mario is technically anime, which would make most usernames here anime names.....
    I'd recommend not worrying about it, anime is a rabbit hole you don't wanna go down. Saying "Japanese anime" is kinda pointless tho, it's like saying "American NASCAR"

    I used to joke that Mario was my favorite anime @Toadgamer
    Let me explain.

    I have almost 300 random profile pictures just sitting around and the number is still growing. However, I'll almost certainly get through all of them during my time here. So, once a year, I'll revert to this and burn through about one theme a day.
    One question.
    Why is the new theme Punch-Out?
    I was going through a Punch Out!! phase a while back and said it should be Punch Out!! in March and people were fine with that. We're postponing it just a little bit, however, because someone forgot about it and changed their name to something else.
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
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    One more hour... I'll probably change sometime during my math class.
    I don't usually change my avatar before my name change, but I love this drawing so much I couldn't resist.
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    I'm so glad you like the drawing so much! It took three tries to get it right.
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    It's perfect
    It's like an overgrown chibi or something.
    "You must wait 22 hour(s) to change your username."

    This is the first time I've ever been impatient to change mine.
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    Remember BlueBerryBlue?
    Schroeder is long gone, but Charlie Brown remains, living in the past.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    I've changed my theme for something not related to a KG or other event only twice in my time on the forums. Waiting for name changes isn't too frustrating for me...
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