Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Pokémon Shining Pearl (Diamond/Pearl Remakes)

Power Flotzo

the gun member of the coconut crew
Power Flotzo
The long-awaited remakes of Diamond and Pearl were announced today as part of the 25th Anniversary Pokémon Presents. As someone who grew up with the Sinnoh games, I'm especially hyped to see what they're like. What are your thoughts?

after the dumpster fire that was sword and shield it's hard for me to care that much, even if i do like sinnoh and the underground
It looks cool.
btw i think underground is confirmed for this game
i thought i saw it in the trailer at 0:58
The game is in its early beta judging by the graphics, right? Right?...
I don't think the graphics are that *terrible* from what I'm seeing. I do think it's the right direction to at least chibi the characters and restrict to four direction because it'll make the animations far less jarring, but people were probably expecting something more like Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee (which looked miles better than Sword and Shield, say what you want about those two). It does kinda look "cheap", like the visuals look like mobile game material. Textures are still super flat and bland. Maybe same tier as Mario Kart Tour. Walk animation is, no.

I don't get the comparisons to Link's Awakening. This looks a lot cheaper.

Holy hell did Sword and Shield really drive down my expectations for this. This better be semi-decent.
i kinda like the direction here, like, i heard people complain about the chibi artstyle, but i definitely think it makes it more faithful to the original.

i havent played sword/shield (and probably never will), but i can definitely tell that this'll be a step up.
I don't get the comparisons to Link's Awakening. This looks a lot cheaper.

Holy hell did Sword and Shield really drive down my expectations for this. This better be semi-decent.

Are people seriously comparing this to Link's Awakening? That game very clearly has excellent polish and a level of stylization that is omitted from newer Pokemon.

Semi-decent equates to mediocre in my book, and this game is pretty much that.
I don't think the graphics are that *terrible* from what I'm seeing. I do think it's the right direction to at least chibi the characters and restrict to four direction because it'll make the animations far less jarring, but people were probably expecting something more like Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee (which looked miles better than Sword and Shield, say what you want about those two). It does kinda look "cheap", like the visuals look like mobile game material. Textures are still super flat and bland. Maybe same tier as Mario Kart Tour. Walk animation is, no.

I don't get the comparisons to Link's Awakening. This looks a lot cheaper.

Holy hell did Sword and Shield really drive down my expectations for this. This better be semi-decent.
Don't forget, the game is probably still in its "larval" stages.
It's bound to improve a decent bit by release.
I'm not expecting any improvement after Sword and Shield had little, if any, improvement between trailers and the final release. The precedent is there and with how well Sword and Shield sold, there's really no motivation to improve.
It's Korean, but it doesn't matter what it says. The point of the picture is to show that the game looks exactly like one of those janky run-of-the-mill mobile games that you'd get an ad for on YouTube. It's not a real screenshot, it's just a meme that frames the game in a particular way so that it highlights the poor graphics and developer incompetence.

I'm four posts in this thread and I'm not even a Pokemon fan; this goes to show that, for one, I get a bit upset when popular franchises are watered down by corporate deluge, and for two, I'm really bored this weekend.
I don't understand japanese, can you tell me what it says please? 🙂
Text is Korean. Whenever there's egregious circles, it's most likely Korean. :P

Red button is "let go" (as in let go of the Pokemon)
Green button is "keep"
Top right is "visit advertiser"
Square on the right is "skip ad"

And the name below is just "Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl" while the blue button is "free".

That's the gist; it's just a spoof of a YouTube ad for a free-to-play mobile game.
Presumably, this game would have Sword and Shield's battle system, and since the main Pokemon games tend to have wide exportability in the available Pokemon. I have a feeling that any available moves will also be available in these games too. Since Unown is part of the Sinnoh Dex, it would probably mean that Hidden Power will return, given that it's one of the moves that were rendered unavailable, and it would likely be updated in the main games too were Unown to become compatible after the update.

...or they could replace the move with a different one like what they did with Beldum, who lost Take Down as the first move in favour of Tackle (note that Take Down is one of the available moves in Sword/Shield, meaning that an imported Beldum can still use it).

Thank you for reading.
Take Down isn't such a signature move that Hidden Power was, given how unique Hidden Power was. I'm pretty sure this does mark the return of a move, or else they'll just invent a new one. But can't imagine that either.
Comparing this to Link's Awakening is unfair. Not to this game, but to Link's Awakening.


Link's Awakening is beautiful, detailed, and rather cute. But despite having the same artstyle and being on the same console, the Diamond and Pearl remakes just look cheap.
Link's Awakening vs Pokemon Sinnoh Remakes is a pretty perfect example of what dynamic lighting and good texture work does to your game and how much presentation pulls its weight around. Link's Awakening looks more like a game than a coroporate product like the Sinnoh remakes look.
I appreciate the fact they did not just copy and paste Sword and Shield style, so I'm kinda positive on this one under this point of view. On the other hand, I'm kinda worried about the graphics, but eh, let's wait and see.
i dont knowbwhat people think about the games, but im pretty sure the reception for modern pokemon, especially sword and shield, is way more negative than like, pre-gen 5. that era was considered the golden age of pokemon i think. so its cool that theyre making something more fanservicy, which is quite frankly something nintendo doesn't do much.
I never played the original Diamond and Pearl so I'm looking forward to this. And ya'know, I don't really expect highly detailed graphics (although it would be nice) for a pokemon version game. Stadium? Snap? Those I expect more detail.
I'm waiting out on this until more info arrives. I hope they make it at least 10 times better than Sword and Shield was. That game was boring and barebones at best, and lazy and uninspired looking at worst, especially after the post-game without the expansion pass. But with how main series Pokemon games are going these days, this one might be just as bad. If that's the case, I'd rather play my 3DS with Pearl in it, even if some of the Pokemon I possess in the game (this is true) were illegally created via an app or cheat device.
Not interested in getting this product myself because the thought of giving Nintendo/Gamefreak money for continuing to produce lifeless games on autopilot turns my stomach, but I watched one of my friends play this game for a short while.

For some reason, what I remember the most is the "animation" of the character getting in and out of bed. It made me feel uncomfortable in an uncanny valley-kind of way. To explain: You know how in old 2d sprite games they would often make beds exist on two layers, with the basic framework being on the lower layer and the blanket being on a layer above that so the player could walk between them and essentially be "under the blanket"? They recreated this effect in 3d and it's just about the cheapest-looking nonsense I've seen in a while. You walk against the bed and just kind of morph into it. It is extremely silly.

In fact, the whole game is giving me that offset vibe. Characters are rendered with comparatively higher fidelity than in the old games, but they still move and act as if they're in a sprite-based, grid-locked game. It's just unsettling to see two bobbleheads collide, with neither of them reacting to the impact and a textbox just displaying "*thud*" as if something noteworthy had happened. You could get away with this in a low-res sprite game because the level of abstraction was higher and you were able to substitute the parts you weren't seeing on screen with your imagination. But in this game, it just looks cheap and fake. Couldn't even be assed to make a basic knockback animation.

So to summarize: Forget Giratina or whatever, the true eldritch horrors of this world are beds. Don't give Nintendo your money, stick to the originals. I'm sure you can find a way to still play those.