Post your least cancelable Mario take here

Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door is a masterpiece with a great soundtrack, interesting characters, and a very engaging battle system
Super Mario Galaxy and Odyssey are the best things Nintendo has produced/endorsed/owned since its inception in the year eighteen-hundred-something. And I'm counting the extendable arm and the brothels.
I said least cancelable, guys.

Come on, step up your game.

I like Bluster Kong.
Mario and Sonic need to have an actual game (and not another olympics)
I like how the music in the games tend to be catchy and upbeat.
Super Mario Odyssey is a very good and fun and enjoyable game, I absolutely love it, definitely a game of all time.
I mean it's a "least cancelable" opinion thread. You get what you deserve if you voice any strong opinion about Paper Mario games, maybe even just normal opinions at this point.
Sorry, but least cancelable means... what exactly?
An opinion that won't have much people disagreeing with you; not much vocal minorities disagreeing either, so it's not a "popular opinion" thread exactly.
Cranky Kong is hilarious when he complains, he's the funniest character in the Donkey Kong Country games.