So basically, as the name suggests, I have come up with a Paper Mario idea, that I'll be sharing with you guys, for just fun. I'll put every of the 16 chapters' plots behind spoiler tags and then you can go reading.
I'll be posting sprites of characters like partners or major bosses, or highlitghed things. So I'll go through the chapters and the main characters, including the huge amount of partners. Again, this is not serious stuff, I'm just doing it for fun, so let's get started.
This is Goombeddy, he is the very first partner in the game obtained in the prologue, while Mario and Luigi are trying to get their hammers back.
He teaches them the battling system in the first fight of the game. Goombeddy's ability is to tattle enemies in battle, tell you more information about a random location, or also look up characters' backstories. He can also teach you battle strategies if you use his inbattle "Teach" ability. Finally, he can also look up recipes that you haven't made yet, from his tablet. Goombeddy himself as a person is a loyal and joker friend, but he gets angry when he is annoyed and begins teaching his tormenter(s) 'a lesson'.
Here is Kooplea, a Koopa Troopa girl who used to live happily with her father and grandfather, until something happened. She used to have a boyfriend, but it was them discovered that he was in fact a wanted criminal. Her father had no choice other than reporting him and revela his location to the police, leaving Kooplea in despair, now that her boyfriends gone. Her Shell Toss ability allows her to retrieve far away items and hit out-of-reach switches. Despite the hate she shows in front of her father, she still loves him, but doesnt know how to express her feelings. She is however not shy to talk about her problems, and is pretty kind-hearted in general. There is no better friend that will cheer you up than this girl right there.
Penny's the happy bink secretary of the king of the Kingdom of Hondon. She kept her job from when Honster was still the ruler. Her somehow stubborn attitude didn't help much to stand against Honster, which is also pretty much why she didn't know what happened to him after he disappeared entrapped in a jar by his people.. Her ability is to hold on to Mario and can make him glide over large gaps. She is a helpful person always trying to do her job the best she can. But she however mostly messes up, something she wants to confront. However, she is praised by her friends and even though her clumsiness is something to definitely not trigger at big moments, she is more a "cute secretary" type.
Lancebob is King Bobthur's best knight, and apparently his favorite. He is also the trustiest of all of them. He has the Bomb ability: whenever (insert button) is pressed, Mario will Lancebob in front of him, as the Bob-omb starts walking a few steps and explode. This can be used to blow up craked walls or rocks, or activate a switch that triggers a specific event for a limited time. Lancebob would never disobey to orders given to him by his allies and never fails people. His problem is, however, sometimes, if he believes his mission is failed, he becomes extremely annoying and becomes very sad, but calms down when he finds a way out of the situation.
Lucifer's a beautiful Puzzeele girl that is always cautious. This cautiousness was spawned by the fact that she had been kidnapped by the circus manager Giggles to power his circus, but taking away half of her childhood. After such a tragedy, she does not even remember her father, Sataneel, and family, the Puzzeele people, to which she is a princess. Her overworld ability is to produce electricity, able to power on machines and glow in the dark. Her electric barriers even shield Mario from incoming projectiles. Since the moment she sees her own beauty, she tends to overestimate herself and look at other people from above. However, when she is surrounded by nice people, she turns into the sweetest softy there exists, and will act as a very caring friend, which is why the people who know her love her.
Here's Rockbert, a rocky that left Dreamland to come and study the dried-out valley's skellobits' culture. He was unfortunately accused from being the monster that terrorized the village, and then he freaked out "a little". His ability on the map is to let Mario climb on him, allowing him to jump to high platforms he normally can't reach. He is always forgiving to others, even if he is put in serious danger. In cases he IS in serious danger, he starts to panic and shows his more cowardly side. However, hes the nicest guy to ever exist and likes to make sacrifices for the team, and hes cute in that regard. He's made of rock, but his heart is as soft as a marshmallow (not literally).
Ying, better known as Nina by the inhabitants of Boned city, is a Ninji thief that is considered a hero for the citizens, but a disrespectful outlaw by the Broman Empire. She feels compassion to poors, and knowing what it is like to be poor since she was "raised" by a non caring mother, she always finds motivation in theft and gives out her loot to the other people. She was Yang's sister and loved him so much, but one dumb action of hers cost her her brother's trust, until Mario beat him. Her Ninja skills allow her to turn herself and you invisible, allowing you to go places unseen and go through walls. In return however, you can't move in this state. She is sensitive and over reactive on the current situation, but is however silent and doesnt talk much, and when she does talk she talks in kind of a southern accent. Shes pretty... thoughtful... a head in the clouds.
Stayzee is a very ambitious Crazee Dayzee that is a famous singer at Jazzafrazz town, but she also wants to get noticed over the world. Her voice allows you to break glass and activate sound switches, as well as solving other puzzles. Her attitude is sometimes unacceptable as she tries to reach her goal, also sometimes unbearable. It's not her intent though... or at least that's what she says. She can be annoying at times, telling stories about herself that are unnecessarily and ridiculously long, but it only seems to affect Goombeddy...
Bootrus is a very determined Ascitizen who works at the Skygurrat. He never disappoints anyone! A perfect sidekick to have on your party, but no ones exactly perfect, even for an Ascitizen... Bootrus' excellence comes with a character flaw, as he always jumps to conclusions without any formal proof due to him being nervous about not doing his job the way it is intended. He was alive when the religion that implied the belief of the a Skygurrat was just being born. His sharp glances literally are sharp and cut through paper. And his bow even allows him to shoot at things too far out of reach with great accuracy. In battle, he is the most skilled at ranged attacks. The fact that he jumps to conclusions so early may indicate hes dumb, as sometimes hes right, but sometimes, hes not, or just lucky. Some speculate hes smart and sees it coming though. Sometimes, he just prefers to rely on luck rather than reason. But he is pretty reasonable in general and if he notices hes done worng, he immediately tries to rectify himself.
That is Luna, a sassy but nice Luma. Just like the majority of all other Lumas, Rosalina is her mother, and lives happily alongside her, but her innocence of a child abruptly got to an end when she discovered what crimes and slaughtering were people able to commit, haunting her mind for an eternity. Her ability is The star spin, which allows you to perform the Spin Dash, allowing you to go fast and solve puzzles. Her incident led her to strongly strive for peace, with unfortunately no prevail. While she is nice, she can be impolite and irresponsible to her duties when she is mad, and tends to freak out very easily, despite that, she's good to have around.
Block is a Blockbite who wasn't always one, as his robot body contains a soul. He is however actually the founder of Yesterdaycity, the city of nostalgia. He though was once the adoptive son of professor Valldo, who has made himself a robotic assistant slash adoptive daughter, Cybelle, who he considers his sister. His hard shell lets you sit on him as he tranports you over spikes, lava and such hazards. Knowing who he was prior to him turning into a robot, Block has done possibly anything, even almost killed himself if it meant getting back his old self. He is also caring and does not like to see people in pain, as it causes him pain. But he however also is aggressive sometimes when he judges people as "too mean". That's what we can assume is part of his nature.
Chillianna is a resident at the peaceful town of Gryztal Town. She lives there with her grandmother who is a fortune teller, making Chillianna want to work on her magic. Her ability is freeze. Use it to freeze parts of the overworld, as well as cool down items and such, actually freezing them in time. She is shy and more on the introverted side, and she speaks in a shaky tongue. Though so quiet, she is quite helpful and will get her way by using her own intelligence. She may look like a shrimp to you, but she's got more than one thing in her sleeves... gloves.
Mr, or sergeant, Blind is a warrior from Klein's army, who joined for personal reasons. He has removed his eyes for the same reason, pretty much why everyone calls him by that name! In the overworld, he uses high-texh gadgets, as well as his sensing qualities to render invisible objects or items visible. He is a good guy to have around, but he tends to get emotional at times, making him weird around others, but he will never stop to protect them, as he doesn't want the tragedy of losing his friends to happen just like what happened to his family, 60 years ago. He seems to have a deep secret, but he hides it (duh), because he doesn't want anyone to know about it, not even me or you readers.
Blurrgr is somewhat of the opposite of what the other partners. Instead of trying to save the world like the others, he's pretty much trying to save himself and his own money. Nevertheless, he still is a quite useful member of the team. He settled to live in Miiyoto to sell hot-dogs, but business was not really looking his way apparently, as his stats dived down literally. He has the ability to burn wood, paper and other flammable material, and can also start a campfire, which has its own purposes. Blurrgr is obviously not into the team, but his motivation to get a code star and sell it at high price makes him really a guy that wouldn't hesitate to go inside the danger. He is though quite greedy and has a very short fuse. If something gets in his way in the irritating moments, he is most likely to kill a whole civilization if not calmed. As he travels with the group, he begins to change and decided he wouldnt be doing this for money.
Antonimus is an ant trooper and the sharpest tool in the shed, not counting optional partners. He is very strong and proud he would intimidate almost anyone! He used to live happily in Geldgypt, until he and his family got captured, and enslaved by the Broman Empire. After that, he followed Startacus on a journey to free all slaves, which unfortunately ended in the former's death, but should Mario not have intervened, all slaves wouldve died too. That plunged Antonimus into an eternal hatred towards the Bromans, who think they have power over anything. His overworld abilty is to push blocks too heavy for Mario to push. He can also lift them, which might allow different possible things to be done. He is a warrior-spirited person who would do anything to gain what he deserves, and he is fearless, but when desperate he will be extremely pessimistic. He has one goal, and that is being a hero! He is also pretty wise for a young lad, knowing the solution to the psychological problems of his friends. He is loved and acclaimed by people, and that is why nothing may get in his way!
Golitter is a Glitterfoot, and the last of his kind, as he, the burliest and most resistant, survived the heat the Gryztals produce. As the last Glitterfoot, he is more of a lonely guy and has kept his distances from any form of intelligent life, excluding his trusty Woodpecker companion. He has a pickaxe, allowing him to dig, as his big stubby arms are strong enough to swing it with full power. Being lonely, he has quite a lot of manners that he needs to work on, but tries his best to fit in, unfortunately not working that much, as he doesn't even know how to speak correctly. Nonetheless, he shows promise and total devotion to anyone who accepts his company, fearing that if he ever disappoints someone, he might lose them forever.
Cybelle is, from the point of view of many scientists, an immature pile of rust that does whatever goes over her tiny mechanical mind. While it is kind of true, thing is, Cybelle is actually a live being. No one knows how this was made possible, but her mechanical heart, completely engineered by men's hands, indeed shows signs of life. As such, she does unexplicable things a robot shouldnt be able to do, like feel emotions, care about people, and all of that stuff, while still retaining her robotic capacities. She has the ability to alter the functioning of any mechanism, making things possible and opening otherwise sealed pathways. She is a curious-spirited robot, stopping at anything that looks out of place to investigate it. While knowing she is a robot, she likes to believe that she is a live being, something she doesn't know she actually is. She is very affective towards people, especially Block, and dearly trusts her loved ones at all times, believing they would never let her down. She might seem like a rusty pile of metal, but she's full of love inside.
Click here for the remade, and most likely final versions of the chapters.
I'll be posting sprites of characters like partners or major bosses, or highlitghed things. So I'll go through the chapters and the main characters, including the huge amount of partners. Again, this is not serious stuff, I'm just doing it for fun, so let's get started.

This is Goombeddy, he is the very first partner in the game obtained in the prologue, while Mario and Luigi are trying to get their hammers back.
He teaches them the battling system in the first fight of the game. Goombeddy's ability is to tattle enemies in battle, tell you more information about a random location, or also look up characters' backstories. He can also teach you battle strategies if you use his inbattle "Teach" ability. Finally, he can also look up recipes that you haven't made yet, from his tablet. Goombeddy himself as a person is a loyal and joker friend, but he gets angry when he is annoyed and begins teaching his tormenter(s) 'a lesson'.

Here is Kooplea, a Koopa Troopa girl who used to live happily with her father and grandfather, until something happened. She used to have a boyfriend, but it was them discovered that he was in fact a wanted criminal. Her father had no choice other than reporting him and revela his location to the police, leaving Kooplea in despair, now that her boyfriends gone. Her Shell Toss ability allows her to retrieve far away items and hit out-of-reach switches. Despite the hate she shows in front of her father, she still loves him, but doesnt know how to express her feelings. She is however not shy to talk about her problems, and is pretty kind-hearted in general. There is no better friend that will cheer you up than this girl right there.

Penny's the happy bink secretary of the king of the Kingdom of Hondon. She kept her job from when Honster was still the ruler. Her somehow stubborn attitude didn't help much to stand against Honster, which is also pretty much why she didn't know what happened to him after he disappeared entrapped in a jar by his people.. Her ability is to hold on to Mario and can make him glide over large gaps. She is a helpful person always trying to do her job the best she can. But she however mostly messes up, something she wants to confront. However, she is praised by her friends and even though her clumsiness is something to definitely not trigger at big moments, she is more a "cute secretary" type.

Lancebob is King Bobthur's best knight, and apparently his favorite. He is also the trustiest of all of them. He has the Bomb ability: whenever (insert button) is pressed, Mario will Lancebob in front of him, as the Bob-omb starts walking a few steps and explode. This can be used to blow up craked walls or rocks, or activate a switch that triggers a specific event for a limited time. Lancebob would never disobey to orders given to him by his allies and never fails people. His problem is, however, sometimes, if he believes his mission is failed, he becomes extremely annoying and becomes very sad, but calms down when he finds a way out of the situation.

Lucifer's a beautiful Puzzeele girl that is always cautious. This cautiousness was spawned by the fact that she had been kidnapped by the circus manager Giggles to power his circus, but taking away half of her childhood. After such a tragedy, she does not even remember her father, Sataneel, and family, the Puzzeele people, to which she is a princess. Her overworld ability is to produce electricity, able to power on machines and glow in the dark. Her electric barriers even shield Mario from incoming projectiles. Since the moment she sees her own beauty, she tends to overestimate herself and look at other people from above. However, when she is surrounded by nice people, she turns into the sweetest softy there exists, and will act as a very caring friend, which is why the people who know her love her.

Here's Rockbert, a rocky that left Dreamland to come and study the dried-out valley's skellobits' culture. He was unfortunately accused from being the monster that terrorized the village, and then he freaked out "a little". His ability on the map is to let Mario climb on him, allowing him to jump to high platforms he normally can't reach. He is always forgiving to others, even if he is put in serious danger. In cases he IS in serious danger, he starts to panic and shows his more cowardly side. However, hes the nicest guy to ever exist and likes to make sacrifices for the team, and hes cute in that regard. He's made of rock, but his heart is as soft as a marshmallow (not literally).

Ying, better known as Nina by the inhabitants of Boned city, is a Ninji thief that is considered a hero for the citizens, but a disrespectful outlaw by the Broman Empire. She feels compassion to poors, and knowing what it is like to be poor since she was "raised" by a non caring mother, she always finds motivation in theft and gives out her loot to the other people. She was Yang's sister and loved him so much, but one dumb action of hers cost her her brother's trust, until Mario beat him. Her Ninja skills allow her to turn herself and you invisible, allowing you to go places unseen and go through walls. In return however, you can't move in this state. She is sensitive and over reactive on the current situation, but is however silent and doesnt talk much, and when she does talk she talks in kind of a southern accent. Shes pretty... thoughtful... a head in the clouds.

Stayzee is a very ambitious Crazee Dayzee that is a famous singer at Jazzafrazz town, but she also wants to get noticed over the world. Her voice allows you to break glass and activate sound switches, as well as solving other puzzles. Her attitude is sometimes unacceptable as she tries to reach her goal, also sometimes unbearable. It's not her intent though... or at least that's what she says. She can be annoying at times, telling stories about herself that are unnecessarily and ridiculously long, but it only seems to affect Goombeddy...

Bootrus is a very determined Ascitizen who works at the Skygurrat. He never disappoints anyone! A perfect sidekick to have on your party, but no ones exactly perfect, even for an Ascitizen... Bootrus' excellence comes with a character flaw, as he always jumps to conclusions without any formal proof due to him being nervous about not doing his job the way it is intended. He was alive when the religion that implied the belief of the a Skygurrat was just being born. His sharp glances literally are sharp and cut through paper. And his bow even allows him to shoot at things too far out of reach with great accuracy. In battle, he is the most skilled at ranged attacks. The fact that he jumps to conclusions so early may indicate hes dumb, as sometimes hes right, but sometimes, hes not, or just lucky. Some speculate hes smart and sees it coming though. Sometimes, he just prefers to rely on luck rather than reason. But he is pretty reasonable in general and if he notices hes done worng, he immediately tries to rectify himself.

That is Luna, a sassy but nice Luma. Just like the majority of all other Lumas, Rosalina is her mother, and lives happily alongside her, but her innocence of a child abruptly got to an end when she discovered what crimes and slaughtering were people able to commit, haunting her mind for an eternity. Her ability is The star spin, which allows you to perform the Spin Dash, allowing you to go fast and solve puzzles. Her incident led her to strongly strive for peace, with unfortunately no prevail. While she is nice, she can be impolite and irresponsible to her duties when she is mad, and tends to freak out very easily, despite that, she's good to have around.

Block is a Blockbite who wasn't always one, as his robot body contains a soul. He is however actually the founder of Yesterdaycity, the city of nostalgia. He though was once the adoptive son of professor Valldo, who has made himself a robotic assistant slash adoptive daughter, Cybelle, who he considers his sister. His hard shell lets you sit on him as he tranports you over spikes, lava and such hazards. Knowing who he was prior to him turning into a robot, Block has done possibly anything, even almost killed himself if it meant getting back his old self. He is also caring and does not like to see people in pain, as it causes him pain. But he however also is aggressive sometimes when he judges people as "too mean". That's what we can assume is part of his nature.

Chillianna is a resident at the peaceful town of Gryztal Town. She lives there with her grandmother who is a fortune teller, making Chillianna want to work on her magic. Her ability is freeze. Use it to freeze parts of the overworld, as well as cool down items and such, actually freezing them in time. She is shy and more on the introverted side, and she speaks in a shaky tongue. Though so quiet, she is quite helpful and will get her way by using her own intelligence. She may look like a shrimp to you, but she's got more than one thing in her sleeves... gloves.

Mr, or sergeant, Blind is a warrior from Klein's army, who joined for personal reasons. He has removed his eyes for the same reason, pretty much why everyone calls him by that name! In the overworld, he uses high-texh gadgets, as well as his sensing qualities to render invisible objects or items visible. He is a good guy to have around, but he tends to get emotional at times, making him weird around others, but he will never stop to protect them, as he doesn't want the tragedy of losing his friends to happen just like what happened to his family, 60 years ago. He seems to have a deep secret, but he hides it (duh), because he doesn't want anyone to know about it, not even me or you readers.

Blurrgr is somewhat of the opposite of what the other partners. Instead of trying to save the world like the others, he's pretty much trying to save himself and his own money. Nevertheless, he still is a quite useful member of the team. He settled to live in Miiyoto to sell hot-dogs, but business was not really looking his way apparently, as his stats dived down literally. He has the ability to burn wood, paper and other flammable material, and can also start a campfire, which has its own purposes. Blurrgr is obviously not into the team, but his motivation to get a code star and sell it at high price makes him really a guy that wouldn't hesitate to go inside the danger. He is though quite greedy and has a very short fuse. If something gets in his way in the irritating moments, he is most likely to kill a whole civilization if not calmed. As he travels with the group, he begins to change and decided he wouldnt be doing this for money.

Antonimus is an ant trooper and the sharpest tool in the shed, not counting optional partners. He is very strong and proud he would intimidate almost anyone! He used to live happily in Geldgypt, until he and his family got captured, and enslaved by the Broman Empire. After that, he followed Startacus on a journey to free all slaves, which unfortunately ended in the former's death, but should Mario not have intervened, all slaves wouldve died too. That plunged Antonimus into an eternal hatred towards the Bromans, who think they have power over anything. His overworld abilty is to push blocks too heavy for Mario to push. He can also lift them, which might allow different possible things to be done. He is a warrior-spirited person who would do anything to gain what he deserves, and he is fearless, but when desperate he will be extremely pessimistic. He has one goal, and that is being a hero! He is also pretty wise for a young lad, knowing the solution to the psychological problems of his friends. He is loved and acclaimed by people, and that is why nothing may get in his way!

Golitter is a Glitterfoot, and the last of his kind, as he, the burliest and most resistant, survived the heat the Gryztals produce. As the last Glitterfoot, he is more of a lonely guy and has kept his distances from any form of intelligent life, excluding his trusty Woodpecker companion. He has a pickaxe, allowing him to dig, as his big stubby arms are strong enough to swing it with full power. Being lonely, he has quite a lot of manners that he needs to work on, but tries his best to fit in, unfortunately not working that much, as he doesn't even know how to speak correctly. Nonetheless, he shows promise and total devotion to anyone who accepts his company, fearing that if he ever disappoints someone, he might lose them forever.

Cybelle is, from the point of view of many scientists, an immature pile of rust that does whatever goes over her tiny mechanical mind. While it is kind of true, thing is, Cybelle is actually a live being. No one knows how this was made possible, but her mechanical heart, completely engineered by men's hands, indeed shows signs of life. As such, she does unexplicable things a robot shouldnt be able to do, like feel emotions, care about people, and all of that stuff, while still retaining her robotic capacities. She has the ability to alter the functioning of any mechanism, making things possible and opening otherwise sealed pathways. She is a curious-spirited robot, stopping at anything that looks out of place to investigate it. While knowing she is a robot, she likes to believe that she is a live being, something she doesn't know she actually is. She is very affective towards people, especially Block, and dearly trusts her loved ones at all times, believing they would never let her down. She might seem like a rusty pile of metal, but she's full of love inside.
Click here for the remade, and most likely final versions of the chapters.