- Pronouns
- He/him
- MarioWiki
- Hooded Pitohui
Introducing: Wiki Quest: The Search for Porple

What is this?
As part of the special thanks for Meta Knight and Superchao which appeared in issue 143 of The Shroom, I made mock-ups of menu screen descriptions from Minion Quest:The Search for Bowser and Bowser Jr.s Journey. As part of that work, I prepared a template to which I can add any sprite and a few short descriptions in order to make additional menu descriptions. It seemed like such a waste to not use that template now that I have it, so I thought Id put a little project together and invite any users who want one of their own to sign-up. Theres a tradition of great artists and talented folks doing little things with people in this community, so, though its not much, Id like to go for it, too.
Currently, Im not planning to do anything with these beyond put together the descriptions, but theres a chance of using this in some kind of story or Awards Presentation down the road. That said, thats not what this is at this stage and youll only be signing up to get a menu description for now. If I do anything more with it, Ill be sure to come back and ask if youd like to be included.
What Should I do?

Well, to begin, look at the example I put together above, and check out the two examples in The Shroom. This should give you a basic idea of what youll be getting if you sign up. Anyhow, all you have to do is post to say you want to sign-up for this and give me a few things Ill need to put your description together. Anything in bold is required. Anything not in bold, then, you can choose to provide for yourself or you can leave it for me to make up for you. So, what I need is:
An Image to Represent You: You need some sort of visual representation of yourself, which for most of you is going to be your community OC. It should fit within what GIMP tells me is about 170x130 pixels, but I understand that those measurements might depend on resolution or the monitor or what have you, so just use the example images as a reference. If youre okay with me scaling down whatever you give me, Im fine with that and I can probably scale the background up to some extent. 3DS Mario & Luigi style sprites are going to blend in best with the background, but I dont care what you use if you dont care! Give me whatever you think works.
Name: Tell me exactly what youd like to be called along the top bar of the menu descriptions.
Type of Trooper: Are you Melee, Flying, or Ranged? This isnt particularly important now, but it might be useful later.
Special Attack: Whats the name of your special attack? Alliteration is recommended if possible!
Status: Are you a Captain, First Officer, or just a normal Trooper? If youre one of the former two, you get a flag to wear.
Description: This is the important part. How do you want to be described? This should be a brief, two to three sentence description. Things to consider mentioning are your stats (HP, POW, DEF, SPD, EVASION, SPIRIT), strengths and weaknesses to certain species or attacks, Captain Commands and First Officer Commands, or just short flavour text.
And thats it! Anyone is free to sign-up, Perch and MK included of course. If you have more than one representation to work with or two seperate characters (Hi, Siph!), Ill give everyone up to two descriptions if they want them.
How Long is the Wait?
So, these dont take too long to make now that I have the template in place, but I still have to take time to do these. Unfortunately, I cant make this a high-priority project, so its going to have to be a when I can get to it thing and Im not going to promise any turnaround time. That said, Im going to try to make it so waiting times arent unreasonable. Just please be patient and Ill get to you!
Of course, if you really dont want to wait for me, you can make one for yourself. Im just here to offer to do the work if you dont want to. So, if youd rather cut out the middleman, Ill put the blank template for you below to download and use. For the font, I recommend Arial, around 12 pt. Most text should be ffffff, strengths are in e30a0a, and weaknesses are in 4a8e7f.