Recent content by Lario

  1. L

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    Oh man, the derp... I'm just happy that this thread has lasted all this time later. I actually just knocked off a thread I saw on the "DK Vine" forum I saw back then because I found the idea of going out of the way to discuss ugly official stuff highly amusing. :)
  2. L

    YouTube Comment Gems

    That entire fight makes me laugh so damn hard.
  3. L

    Count to 1,000,000

  4. L

    Block the above user for a stupid reason!

    Blocked because wHO ARE YOU
  5. L

    Count to 1,000,000

  6. L

    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    Banjo's in! That's great!
  7. L

    Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

    The king's finally in, my dudes. 8)
  8. L

    2001: A Mario Odyssey

    I got a Switch and Super Mario Odyssey for my birthday back in December. It took me long enough to bother with playing beyond the first few levels, but I like this game a lot! I do like the environments of this game, especially the cool take on Bowser's castle. I got to finish the main story today.
  9. L

    1,000,000 things we hate!

    1734. I hate meta humor when it gets overdone.
  10. L

    Songs currently stuck in your head

    I BLESS THE RAINS DOWN IN AFRICA What a nice song.
  11. L

    have you ever broken things out of rage?

    No. I don't think so. I usually break things by mistake.
  12. L

    What are you afraid of?

    Heights, annelids (segmented worms, particularly those that are bristly), and fungi.
  13. L

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    I figure this is what Mario would look like if he were a Microsoft character.
  14. L

    Count to 1,000,000

  15. L

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    Goombella has a palette more like a typical Goomba there.