Recent content by KPH2293

  1. KPH2293

    New administrators! (December 16, 2024)

    Congratulations guys! You've earned this. :)
  2. KPH2293


    I have long had an interest in genealogy, and was wondering if anyone around here was interested in that subject as well. I have an account, had my DNA tested, and have done research for friends as well over the years. -- This is...
  3. KPH2293

    TV shows you downright dislike

    Sometimes my parents call me Caillou (my name is Kyle). That can be annoying, depending on my mood, so I guess that show is my answer by default. 😛 Though generally if I dislike a show immediately, I don't stick around long enough to see more of it. I'm not the OP of course, but the other day...
  4. KPH2293

    Real-Life Photos

    This is your inconsistently annual KPH post to remind you that I exist and will never forget what this place has done for me Anyway, some people wake up to their significant others in the morning. I usually wake up to this:
  5. KPH2293

    Why did you choose your current avatar?

    Because I love the Boston Celtics. I joined in 2006, and I believe I've had this avatar since 2009. In December, my MarioWiki career will be old enough to vote!
  6. KPH2293

    I may have saved a life

    Pardon the double post, but she and I are no longer together for several reasons. Nevertheless, I'm glad I was able to help her when she needed it.
  7. KPH2293

    I may have saved a life

    Hello everyone! Whether you’re from the US or not, I hope you had a great 4th of July. Mine was certainly one I’ll never forget. I’m visiting my girlfriend currently, and we had just gotten back from a walk with her dogs. She was not feeling well when we got back; she was shaking and sweating...
  8. KPH2293

    Have you ever had anxiety or depression?

    I have both and struggle with them daily.
  9. KPH2293

    Real-Life Photos

    I unboxed my Mario collection yesterday! More coming for Christmas. :)
  10. KPH2293

    Real-Life Photos

    My Nintendo toy shelf! It's a work in progress, I hope to add Ocarina of Time figurines around Christmas time. Regarding the Mario Sunshine and Luigi's Mansion figurines, the price has risen dramatically since my mom purchased them for me.
  11. KPH2293

    Nintendo Switch Friend Codes Thread

    SW-2627-7126-5216 Name is Kyle, avatar is Luigi.
  12. KPH2293

    That's Autism (Book)

    Thanks everyone! :) By the way, if anyone is interested in my piece or is willing to give me feedback, feel free to message me for it. I'd greatly appreciate it.
  13. KPH2293

    The (un)official OCD thread

    I have obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as autism, anxiety, and depression. So I feel your pain.
  14. KPH2293

    That's Autism (Book)

    There's this guy in Australia that is writing a book titled That's Autism, and my story will be in it. I'm nearly done with my piece, and the book itself should be released sometime next year. I wanted to share this with you guys since I know some of you have autism as well (I was diagnosed in...
  15. KPH2293

    Old MarioBoards and Mario Wiki

    This was the logo when I joined in December of 2006. Brings back so many memories.