How nice that I drop in and I see that people are kind enough to wish me happy birthday. Belated thanks for that.
Anyway, there's even more cool updates in my life besides just that I'm 23 now; last month I got accepted to grad school, and a couple days ago I got notified that my legal name has...
Popping in to share an achievement I'm extremely proud of.
I just finished writing a novel.
A full length YA novel at 50 chapters and 325 pages, all in under 100 days (98 days, to be exact).
I'm so happy with all the progress I've made and I want to thank all of you for the support I've...
I know I haven't been here basically at all in like a month so let me just say there's a couple reasons for it. For one, over the course of October, I had a really big dropoff of my actual interest in being here so I decided to just step back for a while.
But then November started with me...
I finally deleted my Twitter account last night. I hadn't been active on there in two years, only returning to retweet the same tweet about Allen Ludden every day on October 5. But now that I'm on Bluesky and they have videos, my Allen Ludden tradition can continue without me having to benefit...
I think in a way, it works just like developing relationships with anyone else. Like WT said, it's very heavily dependent on your personalities, but I'd also say it helps a lot to have common interests that you share. If those things start to clash, it's easy to build up a disliking for them...
Take Me Home Tonight - Eddie Money
It took me until just yesterday to add this to my playlist and I wish I had added it sooner. I underestimated just how much I like it.
Downsides of wearing a mask:
-I wear glasses. I think that says everything you need to know about that
Positives of wearing a mask:
-It has a Shy Guy on it and Shy Guys are always a positive
-I don't feel like I'm making other people sick when I start coughing
-I can lip sync and no one will...
Recently I've been absolutely obsessed with the em-dash. I've used it so much in my writing -- mostly because it's the punctuation form of getting distracted.
Ich möchte mehr Deutsch lernen. Eineinhalb Jahre sind nicht genug. Ich will zweisprachig sein aber manchmal muss ich Google Translate nutzen.
(I want to learn more German. A year and a half isn't enough. I want to be bilingual but sometimes I have to use Google Translate.)