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  • From each Animal Crossing game you've played: what was your favourite part?

    I'll start:
    Wild World: Discovering a new franchise makes it hard to pick one thing. My favourite memory was walking into my sister's town and seeing her fully-upgraded Nook shop, with Shampoodle in the back and everything.
    City Folk: The city was the only part I could say I enjoyed as much as I did. The controls were clunky at best, Wild World was a lot better to me. The city was a pretty fresh idea.
    New Leaf: Dream Suite! There's so much that was good about New Leaf, but I really love the Dream Suite. You can visit anyone at any time, and just marvel in these amazing time-locked towns. Also this is where I fully discovered you could talk to Sable.
    Happy Home Designer: I'm a designer at heart, so Happy Home Designer was really REALLY good at capturing that. It also added the good features about designing houses back into New Leaf.
    New Horizons: It's the calm in the storm. I just like how peaceful it is. Sure, there's quite a bit missing, but as a series that banks on nostalgia, it sure is hitting a lot of it. Also, vaulting poles saved my life.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    New Leaf: Spamming the town with a ton of flowers where characters probably have evolved to metabolize pollen. Also creating nice patterns (including Valve's missing textures pink/black checkerboard) just so I can dot the town with random tiles. Also filling up all rooms with whatever furniture you find, especially the Mario items, and then paying off the rooms by dumping your stag beetles from Get Rich Quick Island on Reese. Also giving your characters the stupidest catchphrases ("Wario butts") and writing inane, insulting letters ("Dear Joey: Your diaper smells worse than a rotten coconut. Go jump off a cliff. Then marry Wario as you fall, you dumb duck. [And so on]") they always love.

    New Horizons: Spamming the town with noisy outdoor generators, also abusing custom patterns by sprinkling them all seemingly randomly across town to make the town as ugly as possible, and stuffing all flowers in one spot. Also locking Cherry, Fauna, and whoever the hell that blue bear cub is behind bars. I also love still writing the nonsensical letters too.
    Animal Crossing: Intentionally taunting Mr. Resetti but stopping before he gets too mad. (Also the NES games were a pretty nice inclusion.)

    New Leaf: Using my newfound power as Dictator Mayor to mold my town as I see fit and pilfer stag beetles from the local island.
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