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  • I listened to a deep house playlist today and I think I have an idea of what genre the Mario Kart 8 online spectator music is
    You aren't even the only regular here to have themed as Reigen, and, yet, whenever I see him in the wild now, I make a mental leap right to you.
    I'm sorry 64DD, but I don't think I'm ever going to get "Caw-Caw-Cancelled" out of my head. That one's a good one. It should be used in more contexts, honestly.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Czario
    The Green Knight
    The Green Knight
    Is there any kind of email list when things like mafia or 'Shroomfest are started?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Oh yeah! 64DD brings up a great point. As fun as 'Shroomfests and the like are, the best kind of fun arises organically. That's why I really recommend being unafraid to joke around in Mindless Junk. After all, you'll notice that we didn't even start this as a debate. It started with 64DD making some jokes, and me making some jokingly shocked and appalled responses. Sometimes, just joking around is the best way to kick things off - don't always go into things with everything planned in advance. Let it evolve naturally!

    As far as an "email list," no, there's not, unfortunately. 'Shroomfest happens every three months, coinciding with releases of new issues of The 'Shroom (one's coming up in June, another in September, and there'll be one more this year in December), so that's on a regular schedule. Mafia games, Awards games, all of that kind of stuff... it sometimes gets talked about casually. Sometimes some folks might be aware when something is going up, but it mostly happens when it happens, so you just have to keep an eye out. People are getting better about shilling their activities, though, and, if nothing else, I can try and point you to them when they happen!
    Bob Craples
    Bob Craples
    What are you guys talking about?
    HA ☺ I FOUND YOU BEEDLE....Ive been looking for you since yesterday.
    I have forgotten all about you until yesterday.
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    Reactions: Czario
    Oh no! You saw through my disguise! Now everyone knows I'm really Beedle!

    Jk, yeah, I was Beedle until about two months ago. My normal username is Luigi 64DD though so that's what people usually call me. :luigi:
    • Like
    Reactions: Fordsy
    hi :)
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    Reactions: Czario
    Hello 👋
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    Reactions: Czario
    Oh yeah, I ended up navigating to this one from when you sent the last one. I liked the Calamari Inkantation one better but this one's cool too
    • Like
    Reactions: Fordsy and Czario
    Nice! I'd heard some of their songs with English lyrics before but not Calamari Inkantation. They did a good job of writing the lyrics to fit the context in which the song is played and fit the overall story. Though I will note that since canonically Calamari Inkantation is a traditional Inkling song these could not be the actual original lyrics, but I could definitely see the Squid Sisters singing this modified version. Good catch, thanks for sending it on over to me.
    If you look at the comments, the maker says something about the lyrics being in an indecipherable language, so he just wrote these.
    Oh yeah, I know that, just talking about what the hypothetical translation could be
    Did you survive getting killed by sitting on people's lawns and chasing away little kids? Or did you scatter some bait around as a distraction?
    Not quite, but I killed one duck and the other duck used the opportunity to intentionally get mislynched in order to activate his crazed clown form, so I managed to remove the waterfowl opposition.
    (yes this did actually happen in the game)
    What kind of fish can the Mario head catch, and how much is that Mario head?
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    Reactions: Czario
    The Mario head can catch fish heads so he can make stargazy pie. And he costs 100 rupees or 20 MBucks (Mario Bucks, the all-new microtransaction system for the Mario Boards).
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Well, here's a free Mbuck.
    • Like
    Reactions: Czario
    I did some research, and The Cat Mario Show actually CONTINUED to upload two videos per month on Wednesdays until March of this year, then a single video was uploaded on April after a short hiatus, and that Origami King/Min Min issue was recently uploaded on August after a three-month hiatus.

    I mentioned this a while ago and finally got a chance to send it to you. Personally, I love it, but I'd like to hear what you think.
    Did you know that you can resize an image in MS Paint without using Select All and then manually getting rid of the resulting leftover white by just hitting Resize without selecting anything? This idiot didn't until five minutes ago!
    I signed up for F6 - Worst Spin-off almost entirely because it gives me a chance to publicly and officially hate on Mario Kart Tour before the entire community. (Now watch it be like fifth or something)

    Also no offense if you like the game. I get the feeling most people don't though.
    Your beatle huh?
    Does that mean I can buy stuff?
    Thank you very much! Here is your bait:


    It's usually used for feeding fish and other animals, but on the internet it can be used to try to offend people by saying purposely inflammatory things! (I wouldn't recommend using it that way though.)
    • Haha
    Reactions: Blue
    The Green Knight
    The Green Knight
    Do you carry BOTTLES??
    No, I'm afraid not. You might have to do some sidequest to get those...
    It's weird to think about the fact that Diddy Kong is playable in more Donkey Kong Country games than Donkey Kong is.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Donkey Kong managed to get captured in two of the original three games. Just.... Think about that.
    • Like
    Reactions: Czario
    Sometimes I wonder if they did that because they wanted to highlight Donkey Kong's buddies as heroes. I mean, they created this new character Diddy Kong and they wanted to put him in charge, and they would repeat the same thing with Dixie Kong. It actually reminds me of Luigi's Mansion, where the developers purposefully put the main hero in distress so that the second-in-command gets to be the star.

    Thank you for reading.
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    Reactions: Czario
    Ooh! Is that Gandalf?
    gandalf is cooler than dumbledore don't @ me
    Hmm... I'd have to read Lord of the Rings to come to a decision. We are on book seven of H.P. Actually, I might go with Gandalf.
    Actually, I have to admit that I haven't read LotR (I saw the movies and read The Hobbit though). I need to rectify that. I've also read all the HP books and seen all the movies.
    Something interesting I've noticed is that certain Mario Boards users each have a unique obsession with a game series other than Mario (unique meaning that there are not many repeats, or at least not in a small sample size). For example:

    @Professor E. Gadd - Kirby
    @A sad ghost | Moldomré - Minecraft
    @Koops - Fire Emblem
    Me - Splatoon (well, sort of....)

    These are only some examples; I'm sure there are many more. Also, this doesn't really mean anything (other than the fact that people have a variety of different interests), but I thought it was interesting.
    Oh yeah, I love working on my Zelda Minecraft resource pack. Even though I don't really gain anything from it I just love making tons of tiny pixel art.
    And also me and my brother have an awesome survival file where we're transporting villagers from far-off villages to one we're making ourselves.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    I *would* mention Left 4 Dead 2 as a totally nonMario series I love, but honestly, I'm just lying.
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    Reactions: Czario
    Sven Svennson.
    Sven Svennson.
    Me- Anything that isn't Fire Emblem
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