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  • In a interview conducted in 9000 BC, Miyamoto reveals that Mario sometimes wears his hat backwards to give him a rebellious bad boy look
    Bart Simpson needs a cool new trendy catchphrase, that will resolve the show's quality problem
    "Consume my shirt!"
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    "Devour my kneelength pantwear!"
    "I'm the king of rizz, man!"
    How would you react if you found out everything that happened in the Shrek movies actually happened in real life?
    Meta Knight
    Meta Knight
    Suddenly it would imply that almost all fairy tales are real.
    My mind keeps thinking about creative story ideas but my hands don't want to write fan fiction, work you cowards!
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    It do be like that a lot of the time with writing where you do have the inspiration to write, but not the motivation. Sometimes it also works the other way around, but it's annoying regardless of which order the problem lines up in.
    I watch Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent all day every day
    You already said that
    I watch Planet Chasers Starlight Excellent all day every day, all day every day
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    We should use Mordecai to make Cape Feathers and Rigby to make the fur pelt for the Raccoon Form. 😜
    What do the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come do for every other day of the year
    They have no responsibilities except during the Christmas season, so they'll be relaxing.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Yeah, they likely like to take a load off for the rest of the year on the spirit realm equivalent of Tahiti or any other tropical island that attracts lots of tourists.
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    Reactions: Sparks
    I think they play cribbage if I remember correctly.
    Wake up (wake up)
    Grab a brush and put a little make-up
    Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up (hide the scars to fade away the-)
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table?
    Here you go create another fable, you wanted to
    Grab a brush and put a little make-up, you wanted to
    Hide the scars to fade away the shake-up, you wanted to
    Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to
    The poll for the first month of the year long character tournament is up! It will last until the first of February just so you know
    Willie E Coyote is leading by three votes, everyone else either gots one vote or no votes, I need a top 5 so any votes are appreciated from anyone who hasn't already voted
    Whatever you do, do not remove this valuable treasure from it's sacred resting spot

    Whoops, I accidentally removed this valuable treasure from its sacred resting spot
    You messed up now son
    With tomorrow being the 20th and the polling beginning on the 25th, I want to give one last push for the first month of the year long character tourney, 2 slots remain
    I'll probably just put on the characters that are already in if we don't get 2 more, only 5 are going to advance to the end of the year tourney and I want this to be a fun thing where everyone who wants to get involved can anyways, so yeah
    I mostly get by because there is a surprising wealthy raccoon that pays me to give him my garbage
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Does this raccoon happen to be a store owner, real estate tycoon and entrepeneur?
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    Kie's selling mer trash to the raccoon, it must be one of the adopted nephews of the one you're thinking of.
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