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  • How was your stay at the Wario Forums?
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    Reactions: MS06Magma
    It's had its up and downs but I've enjoyed my time there. Lot of good memories. Lot of stupid things I did that I look back and laugh at. However, the drought of Wario content sure is a killer.
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Yeah, I feel Wario got the short end of the stick several times, and that's just not from my, uh, reputation on these forums. I want to see Wario in a Mario platformer again. I think we're long overdue for Wario Land. Ashley seems to be snubbing Wario in WarioWare overall. Guess that man can't catch a break, as little as a break the character deserve it. :P
    Oh yes the Ashley thing. It was pretty irritating when there was just a massive drought of Wario content before we got Gold and we just kept getting Ashley stuff like the webcomics, 3DS themes, and stuff in the Badge Arcade.
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