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  • I just played Super Mario 3D World for the first time in a while, and I stopped for a sec to listen to the music in world star, and the nostalgia hit me HARD. I grew up in the wii u era, and sm3dw was one of the first games I ever played. I absolutely loved it, and I still love it just as much, if not even more.
    Has anyone here played the board game Root before, and if so which expansion do you recommend i get first?

    If you haven't played Root before, go play it it's a great board game
    So, I just looked it up on Nookipedia and realized that I had gotten THE rarest balloon drop in the game relatively early, with it being 30,000 bells.
    Hey me and my friends from school are doing a podcast called sour milk so go subscribe we will release an episode tomorrow
    I no joke feel like this shows just how far Undertale has come. It started out as a simple video game, made by mainly just one guy. And now it has grown into a worldwide phenomenon, with people from around the world making fanart and remixes and fangames and webcomics. Even in Japan, the sans meme exists, even if it is different there than how it is here. I know this is going to get me a lot of hate, but I don't care. Hate is thrown around the internet at things that don't deserve it as if people just do it for fun. But I stay true to my words, and thus I post this without any regret, and I don't care how much hate you give me.
    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    I actually agree that it's cool to see an example of how far a simple game has gone in giving people around the world a commonality. I think I'm more sentimental than most, but I like thinking about this kind of stuff, about how one piece of media can reach so many people, leaving them with good memories and inspiration, and, perhaps, even a chance to connect to other people who have had the same experiences with that piece of media.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    I'm not really into Undertale myself, but I definitely agree that it's amazing how one man managed to turn his simple indie game into a worldwide phenomenon that has garnered fanart, remixes, fangames, webcomics and so much more. Much like any work of fiction, the Undertale fandom has a few bad apples, but if you manage to look past those, then you're looking at what could be considered a little ball of heaven. Not only that, but since the release of Undertale, Toby Fox has achieved so many other things, including getting one of his characters as well as their theme song into Super Smash Brothers. If one man can turn one game into a worldwide phenomenon to the point where he can get his material into other worldwide phenomenons, then you've definitely done something right.
    It's even more awesome with the song coming from an Earthbound mod at first, who said fan artists can't make it big?
    @Booguette, I love your profile picture! Zoroark is one of my favorite Pokemon!
    Thank you! Zoroark is also my favorite Pokémon, and in Pokémon Shield I have a level 74 one named Momomomo (which translates to "Dumpling Dumpling")
    this is definitely a series to get hooked on
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