I'd imagine Birdos, as a species, probably had some individuals as gender fluid or some could even be non-binary too. So they/them or whatever their pronouns of choice are (varies by individual).
Tick Tock Clock/Rainbow Ride from Super Mario 64, though on my most recent playthrough Rainbow Ride gave me less problems than Tick Tock Clock. I'll also some of Mario Galaxy has some difficult levels too. I can go back further to the old NES and SNES days. Pipe World always gave me trouble in...
Lumas are pretty darn adorable if you ask me, followed by the kittens from 3D World/Bowser's Fury. I will also mention that now Prince Florian is adorbs too, Yoshis are cute too.
I have 100%'d the game twice, once when I was in my pre-teens, the second recently now that I'm in my mid/late 30s. Each time I find that Rainbow Ride is the sheer antithesis and bane of my own existence. Especially when it comes to 100 coins and wall jumping up to get the blue coins to get the...
My girlfriend got it for me for my birthday and I have really and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's one of my top favorite Mario games now for sure. Plus the music is awesome! I loved the singing Piranha Plants and the Bowser Rage Stage music.
I think the 2D/3D approach from Super Mario 3D World is best, but I also like the fact of how something like Super Mario U looked too. The problem with the 3D Mario games is that I often feel like the camera controls don't always behave responsively or allow you to see everything. I know Mario...
If your brother is into action figure collecting there are a number of Super Mario figures produced by Jakks Pacific you can get them if they enjoy that. I personally collect the action figures myself as I've always been a bit of a toy collector. They're really nicely done too. I started...
Nice! I really love that one. The fire-breathing feature is pretty awesome how Jakks Pacific did it. He's definitely become one of my favorite figures too.
Looks like Jakks Pacific is giving us a second wave of figures from the movie series composed of Kamek, Peach (Mario Kart/Biker outfit), Cat Mario, and Tanooki Mario,
I already picked up Peach and Kamek this last weekend as I...
I did miss out on playing the original SNES version of this, save for when I rented it at the video store as a kid and only played it a little bit at a time. I'm hoping this is just a graphical/engine update and it still plays like the original SNES game otherwise. Overall, I am hyped enough and...
I don't know if you all would consider this to be spoiler-ish, but I'm gonna try to be as vague as possible here regarding my thoughts on the film. So this is a sort of warning leading into my thoughts.
I finally got to see it on Saturday (yesterday) with my girlfriend and a good friend - all...
As much as I love 3-hour movies with heavy exposition and decent pacing to accompany them, my bladder does not love them back. 2 hours is a bit more reasonable for me in regards to a cooperative bladder. 90-some-minute movies are at least a cakewalk for me. XD
I plan to see this on Saturday with my girlfriend and one of my good friends who is also a longtime Mario series fan. We all love the series and have been looking forward to it while simultaneously being hesitant initially. Some of the negative reviews I've seen bum me out because they seem...
Supposedly in 2025. I think a more specific date will be when they will have a bit more formal announcement with construction started on Epic Universe.