I'm the lil bro.

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  • Do you guys miss me when I go like a month without posting? This time I have the excuse I met with my partners at a con.....

    EDIT: Just editing this to say this was entirely meant tongue-in-cheek. Like, "Hey, it's been a bit! Didja miss me? *laughter*" I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad, sorry!
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    i'm definitely not reading this as intentional but this feels a little... i don't think guilt-trippy is the right word. validation seeking?

    i mean either you get "yes, of course!" or "no" and the latter would not go well

    again this isn't meant to be some kind of a warning, just advice with regards to phrasing
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    I'm the lil bro.
    I'm the lil bro.
    It's definitely not intentional! It's more tongue in cheek than anything. I didn't put a tone indicator that it was lighthearted, sorry. I joke a lot that I tend to disappear suddenly.
    Man, I really hesitate sometimes to reply to any threads because I usually attempt to make my posts insightful in some way. Leads to me staring at threads and then just backing out of replying to them more times than I can count. I promise my infrequency posting has nothing to do with lack of interest in the forums; I just want posts I make to count!
    Happy Holidays, everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful December. Stay safe and warm and enjoy time with family. If you are one of those who can't, just remember that you're not alone and family doesn't have to just be those you're related to by blood.
    @Cat Luigi from the sig and from the way you post I'm going to garner you're this ruiji person a while back that stanned for Luigi posted extremely similar sentiments about the bro relationships

    holy SHIT ur that person that introduced me to pixiv!! I'm so glad ur back, I always wanted to talk to u but wasn't able to as I became active around late 2019 and u went inactive by then. i feel like we'll click, we seem to have the same feelings abt luigi lmao also a question, how would u use ur kit pronouns in a sentence? I'm v new to neopronouns so sorry for the silly question :3
    I'm the lil bro.
    I'm the lil bro.
    Hiya! I appreciate hearing that you wanted to talk to me! I'm here now, probably will be for a while yet before potentially disappearing again.
    Kit/kits works the same as it/its, just with a k! So "kits feelings on this are mixed", "I saw kit posting on that forum", "kit better watch kitself", etc.!
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    ahh thank you kit seems like a v fun pronoun to use haha
    Has anyone ever done "In Character" Ask threads? I kind of want to try my hand at it, but I'm admittedly a little timid about it.
    E. C. Koopa
    E. C. Koopa
    The closest thing I can think of is in mindless junk, there's ask threads titled things like "ask my RPs."
    I'm the lil bro.
    I'm the lil bro.
    Hmm, I see. I already have an ask thread which is another reason why I'm asking; would I have to combine that with an in character thread, or would I be able to make a separate one for in character? It feels a little awkward to have my ask thread specifically about me also be for IC purposes.
    Nah you can have multiple
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