Chris Pratt

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  • Oh man, it's Chris Pratt, the guy who spent hours stomping... KOOPAS in the Mario Bros. arcade game.
    Will Solace
    Will Solace
    The biggest thing about Chris saying that isn't even that sometimes you get hurt by stomping on a Koopa in Mario Bros. (because you can still succeed with a POW Block) but the sheer lack of taste he says the word with; it's like he's using a level of slur that could get users temped for saying it
    Xiahou Ba
    Xiahou Ba
    Sheer lack of taste? Slur? Get real dude, he's a celebrity actor who has distant foggy memories of Mario games, this is perfectly fine that he doesn't know Mario lore the same extent as we do.
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    to be fair, the slur-like emphasis he puts on "koopas" is what makes it funny
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