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  • It's amazing how much better forums feel compared to traditional standard social media. It's a shame they're still a fairly niche way to communicate on the internet. I suppose integrating into an established community requires more effort than joining a place where there is none or the community is fairly loose. Either way, I feel the effort is well worth it, as my experience here has been great. Thank you to the community and the people that keep it running for creating such an awesome space. :diddy:
    Thomas the Tank Engine
    Thomas the Tank Engine
    Forums are traditional social media though, they've been around long before anything like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. It's not that they're 'still a fairly niche way to communicate', it's more 'they're a fairly old way to communicate and have slowly been dying because of modern social media platforms'.
    You're right, traditional was the wrong word to describe it. I was trying to describe those platforms that are typically described as social media.
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