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  • Anyone experienced with 3d? Specifically Blender? Been trying to make stuff for stuff but I've been losing steam when it gets to rigging characters. Fr anyone who has the time hmu!
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    You definitely don't want to do this manually if you don't have to. Use Blender's default skeletons and create rigs using automatic weights, and tweak by hand from there. I don't know the specific keyboard shortcuts or plugins off the top of my head so I'd recommend doing some Googling to double check.

    Ian Hubert has a good introduction to inverse kinematics, a great tool for rigged animation, on YouTube.
    I tried Rigify which as far as I know is meant to just be a point and click and its done but idk - I think thats only for single objects models. Could always be wrong and may just need to tinker with it more but idk

    1 or 2 which looks closer to being a Mario character
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    Reactions: Chi-Chi
    i love the first one!!!
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    Reactions: Tepig
    The first could be a design out of Super Show. The second I can imagine as a more modern official reinterpretation of Sonic
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    Hooded Pitohui
    Hooded Pitohui
    1 has that simple, Mario series charm to it, I would say. Feels like it would fit right in along those old hills with eyes.
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    Anyone have any knowledge on basic TTRPG rules? I'm typin somethin up so I can make a Mario thing in Table Top Sim but I myself have never played D&D and would love to talk shop with someone who has. I also want to integrate some of the items from the Mario Party series because I think they'd work well in a TTRPG setting
    Lin Beifong
    Lin Beifong
    Yeah, the absolute most basic form of a TTRPG I can imagine would be just a stack of cards with role-playing cues written on them that people draw from. If you want something more mechanically complex than that, the best route is to research existing game systems, finding the one that feels closest to what you want, and using it as a base to build on.

    But there's one important thing that you need to keep in mind: Trying to build a TTRPG system (beyond cue cards or a single die being rolled) while never having seen or played one is equivalent to someone who's never eaten anything but shortbread trying to cook a balanced dinner. It may technically be possible, but the odds are stacked mountain-high against you. You will have a much more reasonable chance to pull through if you can get that experience first.
    Lin Beifong
    Lin Beifong
    i like shortbread
    I completely forgot white was part of the color palette I fumbled so hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    To be fair tho, GBA went kinda crazy on their entry so even if I had white on mine his art would be hard to beat
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    Your scribble is fantastic, in fact the white being reserved for the halo only makes it more effective! Such an exciting match-up!!!
    That was added because I realized I forgot to use white like 3 minutes before time was up. If I had remembered sooner I could've added some more polish but oh whale 🐳. I'll make an updated version post tourney
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    Reactions: GBA
    Today's word of the times is:
    Tram (noun)
    An expression of gratitude
    "Tram for the ham!"
    it can also refer to a type of passenger vehicle
    and if you squint your eyes a bit you can read it as "trans" for "trans rights" (happy pride month)
    Happy pride month everybody! [live studio audience applauds]
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