Recent content by OmegaRuby

  1. OmegaRuby

    Happy Mar10 day everybody!

    Happy Mar10 day everybody!
  2. OmegaRuby

    I open the Wiki to see a proper toggleable night mode? Awesome! Glad to see it's become more...

    I open the Wiki to see a proper toggleable night mode? Awesome! Glad to see it's become more accessible to the public.
  3. OmegaRuby

    How so? Just worrying over the announcements being generally lackluster?

    How so? Just worrying over the announcements being generally lackluster?
  4. OmegaRuby

    Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds

    Nope lol, I missed the window to sign up but I watched Charii5 livestream an extensive playthrough and have seen multiple clips.
  5. OmegaRuby

    What are the worst games on 3DS?

    I liked Find Mii, as I do for the whole of StreetPass Mii Plaza... it's a cute little RPG using StreetPass, and if you manage to finish it twice you unlock the sequel which is miles better. The worst 3DS game I've played is probably Wreck-It Ralph for the system. I remember it being really...
  6. OmegaRuby

    Sonic Racing: CrossWorlds

    The game looks like a ton of fun, though races seem hectic as all hell with too many items that do too much. Every item looks like a rare, last-place Mario Kart item that gives you a huge leg up, but you can get them up to like third place. In turn, it makes first place seem like it's achieved...
  7. OmegaRuby

    I don't feel like this is an unpopular opinion these days. People are seriously warming up to...

    I don't feel like this is an unpopular opinion these days. People are seriously warming up to the prequels even though they play out like a documentary and are still bland as all hell in comparison to the original trilogy. The sequels were horribly handled and resulted in a mess of a series with...
  8. OmegaRuby

    Cool to see that people outside the U.S. indulge in the NFL! I'm personally also glad the Eagles...

    Cool to see that people outside the U.S. indulge in the NFL! I'm personally also glad the Eagles won - I don't particularly like either of the two teams but I do not like the Chiefs a lot more.
  9. OmegaRuby

    Anyone else watch the Super Bowl when it aired? Personally I only tuned in for the halftime show...

    Anyone else watch the Super Bowl when it aired? Personally I only tuned in for the halftime show - which I loved to death.
  10. OmegaRuby

    Thoughts on reworking TTYD item drop information?

    The go-to resource is Help:Templates. That'll get the ball rolling on this, and I'd imagine what you're going for is a Content template. Hope this helps!
  11. OmegaRuby

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  12. OmegaRuby

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  13. OmegaRuby

    Mario is undoubtedly my neurodivergent special interest. That's why I love the Wiki so much. I...

    Mario is undoubtedly my neurodivergent special interest. That's why I love the Wiki so much. I can learn so many things and then regurgitate that information to my friends at complete random! It's usually very active-fan level knowledge too, for instance: did you know the modern Donkey Kong was...
  14. OmegaRuby

    Still reeling from that heartbreaking Buffalo Bills loss. We seem so close, and yet so far...

    Still reeling from that heartbreaking Buffalo Bills loss. We seem so close, and yet so far... we'll get the job done one day.
  15. OmegaRuby

    Semi-Mainline Mario Games

    I do feel that all but RPG are considered mainline, as Maker has been officially bundled in with other mainline Super Mario entries, 64 DS is a remake of 64 and shouldn't be thrown into spinoff territory just because it has differing content (that's what a lot of remakes do fundamentally)...