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  • to answer your question in the joke thread:

    At the top of the site, click on your name once. A menu will appear, then click "Account details". On the new page, if you scroll a bit further, you'll see fields for your date of birth, where you can change the month, day, and year of your birth.
    It says I need to contact a administrator if incorrect? Who is the administrator here?
    Koopa con Carne
    Koopa con Carne
    the definition of administrator is a little blurred for me in the context of this site. the term could refer chiefly to Porplemontage, who runs this site (i.e. administers it), but there have been instances where moderators may be called as such. You can view the moderators here:

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    Reactions: 1?55
    I just asked Porplemontage to change it
    Thanks for the help
    Just curious, when do you go back to school in Canada? Where I live in America summer break ends in mid-August, I was just thinking about what it's like in different countries.
    Quick question people. Where would I send my demo article for The Shroom? I talked to Meta Knight but I don't know where to send it?
    The 'Shroom sign up page says to send a demo of your section to @Meta Knight. He'll be happy to help you out!
    Waluigi Time
    Waluigi Time
    Meta is the right person to send it to - we've received your application and you'll get a response in a little less than a week.
    Ok I sent my demo on the conversation thing. I hope I get in! Thanks of the help SparksMarioWiki and Waluigi Time
    What is the your highest score on the Tetris 1984?

    I would say my score but my little bro deleted my score.
    I'm playing Tetris right now so I will post my score soon
    My score at Tetris was 64141 Level 15 Lines 151
    I would of done better if my cat didn't start rubbing my face and licking me.

    I gonna try again to see if I can do better
    Aw I love kitty cats. I like your profile picture. Is it a picture of YOUR cat? 🐱
    I changed it because I couldn't find a good background picture
    Hope you like my new profile
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    Lemmy "Hip" Koopa
    I do. It's cute. 👍

    Oh you mean you changed it from the cat, not to the cat-I thought you were talking about changing what you had before the cat. Got it. Yeah, it looks cool.
    I think it look creepy and cool
    Does anyone now what this is?
    Found on Mario galaxy 2 I think
    At the shiverburn galaxy
    Super Bad Mario
    Super Bad Mario
    Oh that's just bob and his friends, don't worry, they just get a bit hungry at night.
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    Oh ok
    I was wondering what those creepy looking shadow was but looks like they have a name
    Don't eat me bob!
    Quick question guys. How do I upgrade like Nintendo101?
    G Major Steven Stone
    G Major Steven Stone
    It's fairly rare; it has to be where someone in charge of moderation on the wiki asks you if you want the position themselves
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    Ok thanks
    I hope it happens to me Lol
    Who likes Smg4?

    I do!
    Haven't checked his stuff in a long time, but if I do end up doing so, I'm gonna be checking the OG stuff, as I'm not really a fan of all the lore and arcs he added into his newer stuff. He's gotten a bit too big as a creator, and I preferred when he had lower stakes hijinks, if you get what I mean.
    I mostly watch his older stuff and his short memes
    Does anyone have any Mario oddessy balloon that I can try to find?
    Odyssey spelled wrong
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