Recent content by Mortonfan124

  1. Mortonfan124

    Chat yalls favorite koopaling

    Ye same, though I mean at the same time the green hair atleast makes him look more distinct then just a Larry and Lemmy fusion with glasses that’s basically forgettable
  2. Mortonfan124

    Sucky personal head canons/au of the koopalings I have...

    Sucky personal head canons/au of the koopalings I have
  3. Mortonfan124

    Chat yalls favorite koopaling

    Mine is Larry and Morton :P
  4. Mortonfan124

    What would be a good way to differentiate Kamek from the other Magikoopas, design-wise?

    Maybe have kamek on a much older or a completely different design that differs him from the regular magikoopas like how back then rocky wrench and Monty moles looked completely different (pre Wii era)
  5. Mortonfan124

    Chat who’s your smash bro main

    I'm new idk where the fuck to post shit my dumbass just posted it here cuz like the Mario series is apart of the smash series
  6. Mortonfan124

    Erm I’m not a monster your a pasta ruin

    Erm I’m not a monster your a pasta ruin
  7. Mortonfan124


  8. Mortonfan124

    Chat who’s your smash bro main

    Idk who’s mine tbh :P
  9. Mortonfan124

    Chat Chris pratt fanart

    Isn’t he lovely