I literally have never met anyone in my life who has Burger King as one of their top priority restaurants. But hey I've about never gone there so I'm not one to judge
Hey! Are you interested in the Mario Boards Mega Brawl thing the awards is doing? If so, did you vote in it yet? If you're interested and you haven't, why wait? You've only got a few more days left!
nothing like going back to the game you played as a kid when you understood none of the mechanics and realizing it just got better after you stopped being stupid
and then coming back to it again and being even better at understanding it
We are looking for ~10 focused, hard-working community members to join the 2022 MarioWiki Awards Ceremony Committee. The Awards Committee’s main focus is the creation of the polls in June, but they will be responsible for decisions related to the entire anniversary event, including but not...
If you have any interest in joining this year's Awards Committee, now is the time, now is the place, now is the hour!
Can you remove me from the ban list? I promise not to insult you again. I also promise not to abuse the report system and to only use it if it's a total emergency. Ok?
Do you mind asking if the mods back at the Boards could delete all the posts, convos and threads I've ever made? When I get back there, I wanna start anew.
Hey, BlueBerryBlue just contacted me via my YouTube channel discussion section saying this:
Dude, you gotte help me out! It's Sven Svennson and I really need you to tell Marioboards something! You see, I'm actually 12 in real life, but when I first went on to Marioboards, I was so excited that I put my birthday to make it so I'm 11 there. I need you to tell them that, so they make it so I have to wait until December 28th, 2021! Please!
Help me please.
I accidentally ignored a thread.
When I tap ignore again, it says I already did that.
I want to keep getting notifications for said thread.
What do I do?
Woooow this was low key! Amazing what happens when I don't shill at all of you because I'm dying from too many things, huh? I'm gonna have to fix that next month... Anyhow! #04: Baba - 4 #20: Super Arrow - 3 #33: Dai San Gen - 3 #27: Draq - 1 #31: Lucy Liberty - 1 #33: Lisa Brilliant - 1 #37...