Awards Hunger Games


Flygon "I'll figure this out later" 64
Awards Committee
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What's a Hunger Game?
The Hunger Games were a contest held by a government for some lore reasons or whatever. They would nab a bunch of kids and they'd be taken to HUGE arena where they'd fight to the death. The only survivor would then get to live their life in luxurious luxury~

What makes this one special is... something. Ugh, honestly, this is, like, so last minute. I had this whole REALLY existential set-up planned but there was no interest... You people hate the experimental, you're so close-minded! Alternate timelines are not that hard to understand...

I heard everyone's off searching for anomalies or something nowadays, how original, pfft. Y'know what I think? That whole deal is a big SCP-iece of shit!
Anyway, let's get back on track...

How This Will Work and How To Sign-Up.
Submit two characters in your sign-ups, including their names and pictures of them. I will take'em and put'em into the Hunger Game simulator where anything goes!

Game progress updates will be posted, and this is where the fun part comes.

Those updates will also be story ones. Be prepared for surprises!

In-between mine participants post their own, consider this a thing a sort of collaborative writing project.

short gameplay summary.

Twelve users submit 2 characters each, and I run them step-by-step through a Hunger Games simulator. Between each step, every user is expected to post for their character(s) to elaborate on the story, as with the simulator describing the main points of how the story advances. The simulator will be advanced by one step after every living character has made a post for the current step.

Here's a more detailed example.
Read the bold.

Flygon64 posts :


"Puhuhu, the example game begins! It was a real hassle getting this thing rolling..."
"...Y'know, after all that crazy LORE stuff. Yeah?"
"Hunger games begin with this Cornucopia event where all the players get placed in the center spot of the map."
"There's a bunch of potential boons for a person to gain but there's also some seriously deadly competition..."

Now there's my post. The simulator gives me a top-down list of events that occur each phase.

I will be posting each segment of the list one by one, top to bottom, with screenshots including previews of the next event.
Isn't it so suspenseful?

So, this Makoto guy, yeah? He was submitted for this example game by [REDACTED]
[REDACTED] posts :


"W-Why?" He felt frozen in place but that wasn't true... Without a second thought Makoto started running. His mind at its shattering point, instincts had taken over.

Yes, yes, super-duper really well-written and spooky, sure. Anyway! You get the idea?

Your posts don't have be anything large, they don't even need to be a single paragraph.
Just put some effort into'em and make'em interesting and format them like the example.
And use past tense. Don't forget past tense!

Now, what's up with the bear with the pacifier and the girl in the purple?

Flygon64 posts :



"Poor Naegi... Boo hoo, boo hoo. I do commentary, get it?"
"Haha, the world would be better off without you. XD"

"What a horrifying thought, a better world... Y'know, we've got some nice friction, every story needs counterparts. 8)"

Wow, intrigue, character dynamics, a story. Not to spoil anything... but these might have a bigger impact than you'd guess.
So this Monosuke character, he was submitted by "[CENSORED]".
Kyoko, by "[MYSTERIOUS]".

Hey, these are, presumedly, two different users! So, what happens next? We go left to right, watch.

[CENSORED] posts :


"My, my, what do I spy? Weaponry! A hatchet, the nostalgia's pouring through me." How time flies by, it was only a day ago when he wasn't even a day old. It was only yesterday when his pops taught him about the joys of violence.

"Now listen up!!!" lectured pops as he prepared. "If you're really pissed, real angry, don't work through your emotions or blow off that steam in some other healthy way." he had said shaking his head side to side as he swung Monosuke up and down. "Hand'em out to others! Not with an open hand, but a clenched fist. " Father was a wise man; he knew all the right points to hammer in.


"F-F-Fucking hell, that was traumatic! How could ya be that horrible?!" Monosuke's memories were a bit foggy from the concussions.

"Damn bastard! I AIN'T half an hour no more! I'll show you how I've grown! I'll surpass you; I'll abuse my power a little bit less! He grabbed the hatchet and charged forward to his victim!

Don't be afraid to add flourishes to your posts.
Add images if ya want, just format'em like so!

Anyway, we were moving left to right, right?

[MYSTERIOUS] posts :

Undecipherable, a storm of violence, blurred red. Before even the Ultimate Detective could piece a single thing together...

Is that it? What do we now?
We start from the left again!
[CENSORED] posts :


"CHOP!" and he cut her head right off! Tragic!

Understanding it? Good.
This is an opportune time to mention something...
The killer(s) always get the last post(s) in an event like this!
When the exchange is over, I post the next update. I'll wait a reasonable time for players to make their posts.
This game goes at the speed of its participants.

That's it, I think.

This could be us.

Satisfy your bloodlust, gain fame and fortune!
Sign up now!

1. Toadettefan

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Are characters from other media such as cartoons, anime, and video games allowed, or is this limited to well-known community characters?
Well, now, this is quite the surprise. Let's see if I'm understanding the premise correctly. More or less, Between six and twelve users submit 1-2 characters each, and you run them step-by-step through a Hunger Games simulator. Between each step, every user is expected to post for their character(s) to elaborate on the story, as with the simulator describing the main points of how the story advances. The simulator will be advanced by one step after every living character has made a post for the current step, is that all correct?

If so, that sounds promising for a DM-lite little roleplay-heavy game. However, I do recommend having some kind of time limit and/or procedure in case someone doesn't post in a timely fashion. Maybe if someone doesn't post within a week, the rule is that you commandeer their character(s) and post for them to keep things moving? Once a week should be generous for folks while keeping things moving.

I'd also recommend putting a summarized version of the rules in the OP. Incorporating the rules into the story is fun, but you'll get more interest if folks can quickly identify what they're signing up for.
Pretty much each but each participant sends into two characters.
Are characters from other media such as cartoons, anime, and video games allowed, or is this limited to well-known community characters?

and sure, a week is reasonable.

Name and Pronouns: Him (he/him)

Him is a powerful, yet flamboyant demon who's often trying to defeat The Powerpuff Girls. He's by far their most dangerous enemy, and doesn't use the same evil plan twice. He frequently attempts to play on people's weaknesses, and can cause confusion and chaos by pitting the citizens of Townsville against each-other for his own amusement. To stay in the game, he promises to fight fairly and comply with the rules to a full extent. That way, he can outsmart the competition while keeping his reputation in good hands.

Him can change his size at will to increase his defense. He has the power to shapeshift as well, which can be helpful in certain situations. He is also capable of hypnotism, spitting posionous acid, shooting lasers from his eyes, firing an energy ball, flight, teleportation, warping reality, controlling the weather, and feed off people's dreams and emotions to his pleasure.

Him never uses the same evil plan twice, so he's very good at thinking of interesting ways to defeat his foes and learning from his failures. His ability to feed off people's emotions can make them cower in fear while he's relishing in their pain and suffering, which will allow further progress to his domination of the event. His many powers can make him a threatening opponent as well, with plenty of tactics to keep opponents on their feet.

Him has a tendancy to underestimate people's strength if they don't seem like much of a threat at first. This can lead to his opponents gaining the upper hand if he isn't careful. He has a bit of a temper, and his flamboyant nature can make him seem outlandish to those who don't know his true power. He can also be polite when not wreaking havoc, which could make people try to swindle him before he begins a proper fight.

Sources: The Powerpuff Girls (1998)


Name and Pronouns: Queen Chrysalis (she/her)

Former Queen of the Changelings, Chrysalis is a cruel, fierce, and manipulative individual who often threatens Equestria in attempts to gain power and feed her Changeling subjects. Although she may be a bit unstable following her evil reign coming to an end, she shouldn't be disregarded as someone who can't stand their ground in battle. To gain an upper hand on the competion, she will try to keep her sanity in check so she can focus on the event at hand. That way, she doesn't get sidetracked by her deranged thoughts.

Chrysalis can shapeshift into a mirror image of her opponents to try deceiving them by insulting their feelings and playing off their weaknesses. She has the power to feed off people's affection for each-other and use it against them by weakening the strength of their magic. She can also command her Changeling subjects to fight for her if she doesn't want to use direct offense, which can be helpful when she's ganged up on by her opponents.

Although Chrysalis is a formidible opponent, she does have her weaknesses. Because she can act mentally unstable, her opponents might try to one-up her while she's unable to control her thoughts. Her shapeshifting can't fool those who aren't simple minded, and her arrogance can lead to pinning the blame for her failures on her enemies, as well as showing no care for her subjects despite their assistance. She has little tolerance for younger opponents, as their playful antics are seen as nothing but a nuisance.

Sources: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, IDW's My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comics.
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Squid, he/him
Glows in the dark

"Yeah, I'm a pretty big deal.
You probably heard of my father. He invented Fortnite."


Flame, he/him
Regrettable smoking habit

"Aw, hell no. Just kill me. Or better yet:
Kill Squid and then pay for my flight home."
What's a Hunger Game?
The Hunger Games were a contest held by a government for some lore reasons or whatever. They would nab a bunch of kids and they'd be taken to HUGE arena where they'd fight to the death. The only survivor would then get to live their life in luxurious luxury~

What makes this one special is... something. Ugh, honestly, this is, like, so last minute. I had this whole REALLY existential set-up planned but there was no interest... You people hate the experimental, you're so close-minded! Alternate timelines are not that hard to understand...

I heard everyone's off searching for anomalies or something nowadays, how original, pfft. Y'know what I think? That whole deal is a big SCP-iece of shit!
Anyway, let's get back on track...
1. What if someone Chooses a character that can't die from damage like Nabbit Pyramid head Baron von blubba rock crocks etc
2. Will the contestants be allowed to bring there own weapons/items?
1. What if someone Chooses a character that can't die from damage like Nabbit Pyramid head Baron von blubba rock crocks etc
2. Will the contestants be allowed to bring there own weapons/items?
1. die from damage. anyone can die from anything.
2. No.
the attachment is not to be remembered... it is unimportant.
Boo1268 The Fancy Phantom He/Him is a kind sometimes pompous gentleman ghost but don't underestimate him he severed in bowsers army and has a lot of fighting tactics under his hat which he can throw like a boomerange at his enemys and along side that he's a ghost so he knows how to be stealthy and sneak up on people he also has his battle hat for when he served in king Kero koopas army and isn't afraid to use his knowledge to his advantage and due to him being a ghost he can possess people but although he likes to scare people he has a kind heart which can be somewhat of a weakness.


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got a second character?
Specture Striker him/it is a Skeleton with chains attached to a metal Coffin he is the guardian of the lich yard and hunts down way ward spirits and mortals who disturbe the lich yard he is for the most part slow thanks to the Coffin but in battle is very quick on his feet and can always magically summon the spirit Striker his scythe and as all dry bones can he can rebuild him self and throw bones but only fire and holy objects like holy water can kill him he may seem powerful but his lack of speed and his Achilles Heel make him very vulnerable truly a glass cannon.


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Hi! I'd like to enter!

Ryuji Sakamoto:
Ryuji Sakamoto (坂本 竜司, Sakamoto Ryūji, is a fictional character in the 2016 video game Persona 5. He is one of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts, and one of the first to join the group after awakening to his Persona, Captain Kidd, adopting the Phantom Thief nickname Skull (スカル, Sukaru). He is a bullied student, a victim of physical abuse by one of the game's antagonists, Suguru Kamoshida. He joins with the protagonist, Joker, after they both found themselves entering another world and eventually gain powers to fight against corrupt people and abusers, including Kamoshida. His Persona eventually transforms into the Persona Seiten Taisei. He is portrayed by Mamoru Miyano in Japanese and Max Mittelman in English.
(info from wikipedia)


Morgana is a fictional character in the 2016 video game Persona 5. Morgana has an arrogant, conceited personality, much to the annoyance of most other members of the Phantom Thieves of Hearts. He is especially outspoken and can make fun of others, especially Ryuji and the protagonist.


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