The Spectral lens (Offical Post Board)


The Fancy Phantom
He/Him |Boo1268
The Time has FINALLY COME for me to post my offical post board here this is were you guys can talk with me about my shroom section give me feed back and were i can post what i have done for the shroom so far and if you guys got an idea for a story i should do then dont hesetate to stop by relax and have a spot of tea 🍵 :boo:
Completed Issues:
Issue 205: Explosive Fight For Independence (BobBomb War)
Issue 206: Smashing History Of Thwomp Ruins (Thwomp Ruins)
Issue 207: Mystery Of the Master (The Master)
Issue 208: History Of Keyhaul Key (Keyhaul Key & Cortez)
Issue 209: Insight Into the Emerald Circus (The Emerald Circus)
Issue 210: A Tea Party To Die For (Tea Party Toads)
Issue 211: The Spark Of Destruction (Ruined Kingdom)
Issue 212: Falling Into History (Autumn Heights)
Issue 213: The Diamond in the Rough (The Crystal Palace)
Issue 214: Cooking Up Some History (The Luncheon Kingdom & The Cooking Carnival)
Issue 215: Ferocious Fangs For Fair Maidens (Plumpbelly Village History)
Issue 216: Shoveling Up Some History on the King of Cards (Shovel Knight Series)
Issue 217: ???
Issue 218: ???
So whats YOUR favorite issue?
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Ballad Of The Lich Yard
Is this crosspromotion? Yes do I care no
once again if you guys have ANY suggestions on what i should cover next just put it here
It's too late for February, and I don't remember if I've suggested something similar, but have you ever thought about doing an issue on the Palace of Shadow?

Specifically, I think it'd be really interesting to have an issue focusing on what life was like for the average palace resident/servant 1,000+ years ago, before the Shadow Queen was sealed away.

We know from all the star motifs on the walls of the palace and in the Riddle Tower, as well as from the big orrery at the top of the tower, that astronomy was important to the palace's residents.

In the Gamecube version, the poem in the tower says:

We Know the Stars Spurn Us...
And That the Skies Lie...
But the Stars Bring Balance.

To me, this suggests that the residents of the Palace had a contentious relationship with the Star Spirits. It's almost like they felt the Star Spirits unfairly ignored them or persecuted them, and so they, or at least the Shadow Queen, turned to witchcraft to make the Crystal Stars, establishing themselves both practically and symbolically as equal to the Star Spirits.

I think you could do really cool work with this and I would love to see your take!
Since The Newest Issue of the Shroom is out I suppose it's time to show you all one of the new characters I have in my Arsenal so everyone Meet:
Mind Master
The Main Villain of The Second Part of the Sorcery Show Collab his Origins are Shrowded in Mystery but one thing is for certain his Psychic powers are immaculate and should NOT be under estimated but despite all his Grandure there seems to be a tad bit of Tragedy surrounding him it is unknown as to why.
Looks like an interesting fellow. I assume he's weak in melee combat but strong otherwise?
Looks like an interesting fellow. I assume he's weak in melee combat but strong otherwise?
Yes Indeed since underneath the cloak he just a brain with long tendrils so with any mele combat he fumbles like a house of cards