does anyone here still play animal crossing new leaf??


ive been playing acnl for the past month and its so fun!!! my only complaints abt it r that inventory management (THE NL INVENTORY IS SO SMALL. and semirelated but theres so few spots for custom designs its MESSED dude) and minor qol stuff (like not being able to place furniture from the moving furniture screen and not being able to move wall-mounted stuff up and down) r better in nh but apart from that i think i like it more than nh now...

also if u still play it who r ur villagers?? mine r robin, tom, vesta, jeremiah, felicity, pashmina, snake, zell, baabara and melba!!
I still play Animal Crossing New Leaf on a near daily basis, because I find it to be much more enjoyable than New Horizons because the sandbox gimmick sucked all the fun out of Animal Crossing. As for my current villagers in the game, that would be Rhonda, Beau, Olivia, Tank, Julian, Phoebe, Bella, Buck, Rosie and Gigi.
I liked New Leaf but I have no desire to pick it back up again. Me and my sister's town is littered with pansies and random design patterns everywhere. I really wish every single item was rebuyable from the catalog, kinda bullshit there are tons of one and done items that you end up storing (there's not enough storage space in this game) in fear you might need it again.