Scribble Labs 2 - Double Vision!!

!! Attention Labbies !!

After some deliberation, I've decided to offset our schedule by 2 days, to make sure every drawing phase will include a weekend. It just seems to make more sense that way.

Since Round 1 has already started, functionally this means the current deadline will be extended for two days and thus run for 7 days total. After that, things will return to a normal schedule of 5 days drawing time, 1 day voting time, and 1 day of rest.

To give you the simplified version: You're getting two extra days this round. That is all.

Let's see what you've been up to this round, shall we?









⚫ "PET CARE" ⚫









































Please vote for your favorite images using this form

Spectators are encouraged to vote as well.

Voting will end

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Alright, in the spirit of others in years before, I wanted to give some commentary and feedback on people's scribbles. I'm nowhere near the level of some who have done this sort of thing before and my technical knowledge basically boils down to "UuuUHhhh FUKC i have to draw" so don't expect much in the way of critique on that front - but I thought it would be fun to do this anyway.

I'll be skipping myself and Kright. It's my own team I am biased.

Cute scene, very clean lineart as usual, and a great change of perspective from a lot of your usual scribbles. Very dynamic and fun scene, it tells a story and the characters are certainly expressive. Obviously goes great with the prompt too. I notice that you tend to rely heavily on white/black a lot of the time with your colors mostly only used for important highlights - which is good compositionally, but I think it would be nice to see you try a darker picture or one that more heavily relies on color. I'd also be interested in seeing you do something that's not related to Mario, which largely seems to be your comfort zone with these. Not saying your opponent should nail you with that debuff, but also wink wink nudge nudge
Also a cute scene, quite comfortable. I like that you used the purple for the night sky out the window instead of just defaulting to a black. It makes the whole thing feel a big softer, and adds an extra dimension. The cloth, between the bedsheet and the uh... sheet sheet looks great as well, with a good understanding of how the folds work while still keeping it nice and simple. It's basically the complete polar opposite of mine in terms of vibe which is funny. This is your first scribble, so I don't have a terribly large amount of commentary to give on your history or what you did the same/different, but I look forward to seeing your future scribbles.
Looking at this, I quite like the way the parrot looks - it looks like a more confident and stronger figure than a lot of your previous scribbles, and your characters stand out better from the greater scene in general. This one is quite readable compared to some of your older ones, and it shows some improvement on that front. While I can't say I get a super clear read on the background, I appreciate that you keep trying to go for perspective shots. I would maybe recommend contouring your background elements like pathways and landscape objects somewhat so that the further part of the backdrop appears smaller as though it was in the distance, and slowly grows larger as it approaches the "camera". That would be the biggest advice I could really give you, I think. You do better every year.
I love the use of the blue on the glass of the isopod tank here, it's a nice touch and it adds a "pop" that especially looks nice when it crosses the character's face. I think the difference in line thickness around the various elements of the tank contrasted with the thick lines of the character in the background and the isopods themselves adds some nice clarity and depth to the image as well. In terms of suggestions, yeah I can't really say I have much, other than that the white space surrounding the character looks a bit bare and it might be nice to see more of a background - though it's difficult to tell whether that would make the whole thing too messy or not. Either way, great scribble. I like isopods. Based isopod t b h.
Since that scribble you did a few games(?) back with the character making the leap of faith, I've noticed you've tried to go for a lot of unique perspective shots in your scribbles, and this one is no exception. I think this one works a lot better than that last one too. The handmade dithering effect around the lighting on this one works great, especially on the window outline and on the lobster. This is one of your best scribbles I think, even if looking at that cat scares the hell outta me. Way better than I could do though. In general I love the moody, moonlit vibe of this scene.
Yep, another banger. This one's got a great use of the colors, and the way the pink and white meld on the guy sweeping almost trick my eyes into thinking you've unlocked a secret third color. My absolute favorite part is the sheer subtlety of whatever the hell that fucking demon on top of the fridge is supposed to be. When I first looked at this, I didn't even notice. The second time I looked at this, I didn't even notice. But those two subtle eyes in the dark, and that... claw? over the edge of the fridge? Talk about building a scene, this scribble comes off as something straight out of a horror movie to me, and I don't know if that's intentional, but it works.
You said this one was unfinished, so I'm not going to speak too much on certain aspects of this one. Shit happens, it's all good - but with it being unfinished in mind, I don't really think this is that bad at all. It is a bit simplistic, but it is perfectly readable and, imo, the alternating, growing pattern of color really stands out and does a good job of drawing the eye. Genuinely not that bad for something that went unfinished.
Honestly. I really like this one. I think that the drawing you did over the course of KG9 really helped you improve since the last time you played scribble. This one is pretty funny, with a good concept and some genuinely nice details like the purple lines on the mushrooms and the fact that you colored yourself and Hearts' text differently to make it clear that it was the two of you pulling this "practical" """joke""". Your perspective is alright on this one for the first time really trying to draw something like this, and your lines are strong and clear. Keep it up, if this is your first one, you'll only get better.
The reference to "some one shit in the sink" is awesome, really funny and I love when a caption just makes the entire image complete. The caption meta is forgotten but powerful indeed. Luigi looks vaguely peeved that his brother tracked god knows what into the house as well, which I like. The presence of the pasta maker and the flour makes the kitchen a bit more interesting as well, and the presence of that pasta maker alone makes it clear what Luigi is doing, when it would be far more nebulous as to what the hell he's cooking up without it. I don't really understand the Princess Peach with the evil eyebrows, mustache, and goatee though. It might be a reference to another scribble, but if it is I don't remember.
kg reference kg reference kg ref

...Actually, I think that undermines this one. It's very readable as to exactly what this picture portrays even without the knowledge of any history the character in the image might have. The lab coat, the INCREDIBLE heartbeat > flatline that the cigarette smoke turns into, and the expression on his face tell you all you need to know, especially with the caption attached. There's pain here, pain that's slowly growing into an apathetic despair. The blood splatter is pretty cool too. Generally I am sucker for pictures with a mirror, so this has some extra appeal to me regardless though.
Easily one of your best, this has a chill, cozy vibe that reminds me of that one tb did with Wario, Luigi, and Waluigi drinking in the woods. The way the circle of light around them is portrayed looks great and the zoom-in portraits on the faces of each titular "boy" help to breathe more life into this one and make it feel pretty fresh. I always appreciate nice paneling in a scribble on the rare times it's done, and this serves its purpose well. Also, the totally smoked-out yoshi on the bottom right almost makes me laugh out loud when I look at him every single time. All-in-all, this is a nice one.
This guy has to literally be the whitest guy alive. I like how you took advantage of the pink to color the meat, I feel like that single aspect completely defined this picture from the word go, which is fun. The perspective on this is also very unique, in a good way. In terms of perspective I think this might actually be one of the coolest of the entire round. The house in the background looks nice, the trees look nice, and your mormon-ass hannibal lecter dude looks just unhinged enough beneath that gormless stare to make the caption work. That being said, if there's one thing I think I could give feedback on, its that I don't think the green on the far right bleeding into the sky looks that great. With the rest of the scribble being so clean, that one chaotic messy area kind of clashes with the rest. Still a great scribble though.
A solid first showing. While it's ostensibly a rather heavy-handed Umineko reference, similar to the KG reference scribble earlier, I don't think that context is necessary to enjoy this one and interpret it. The stark white of the letter against the dark colors that dominate the rest of the image really do give it a level of importance befitting the prompt, and even with no knowledge of the inspiration in mind, this is easy to interpret as the reading of a will, an invitation for an important guest that did not arrive, and many other such scenarios. The rear wall is perhaps a touch empty looking, but I'm not going to be pedantic here - this is an excellent fit for the prompt.
Good use of your given colors here, I think that you have integrated them in a varied way into your drawing that makes it punch a bit above its weight class, which is good. There's also a solid attempt at depth with this one with the cutaway of the inside of the house giving the scene a lot more to look at than it would have had without. Pizza is certainly an important enough dinner to qualify for the prompt. With all this said though, I do struggle to make out the features of the delivery person. I'm stuck between seeing Nico with a reptillian evil eye, an eyepatch, and either a gaping black mouth or mustache facing the camera - or a neckbeard with glasses and a Nico hat facing sideways. I don't really think that takes away much from this though. I look forward to seeing what you do in the round that gives you multiple colors and no black/white.

To be continued... (1/2)
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I notice a lot of people going for perspective shots this round, and I am all for it. This is a quaint little room with a pleasant color scheme and I like the little sunglasses dude with his planning magazine like he's browsing the ikea catalogue. I don't have a terribly large amount to say about this one, but it feels different from a lot of the flatter stuff you usually tend to do and I think it comes out better for it. I think the thought bubble might be better without what I assume is a pointing hand though. For a long time I thought it was someone stubbing their toe on a chair as though the guy rearranged his entire room because he did that and got mad about it. Actually I like that, that's funny. New headcanon.
Good lord, this one is a masterpiece. Beautifully illustrated and emotionally powerful, this is one of the round's greats for sure. Often, I am not the biggest fan of when a scribble dedicates a majority of its space to black and white exclusively, but this one takes that black and white and contrasts it with the colorful half to excellent effect. You one of the few scribblers who leans towards thinner lines, and as always, your line work remains superb. This one is just so cool, and I've really gotta give some extra props to the mild splatter effect along the edges of the paint, it goes a long way towards making this feel real even on top of everything else.
I love to see you getting away from drawing Mario characters every round, between this scribble and the last, it is a joy to see your art style used for more unique storytelling scenarios - even if I remember you lamenting that you didn't feel your non-Mario scribbles did as well. The lighting in this one is great, and the nervous shaking squiggles around the hands really show that your study of newspaper comics and the like bears fruit. This one is really charming, and a great use of the colors to create a scene that is gloomy but not too dark. The eyes shining out of the darkness are equal levels cute and ominous, and I do indeed believe that this guy's gonna need a bigger pesticide,
A fairly funny little scene, I enjoy the Danny DeVito-esque Mario slumped out of the pipe, and the facial expression on the crabs is pretty funny as well.I think your colors were used fairly well here, and it's very clear what the scene is supposed to be. That being said, I think that less would be more with this one. The physical comedy especially with Mario's expression is quite amusing, and I don't feel as though stuff like the "bar exam" sign add a whole lot to the picture as a whole. You've shown yourself to be a solid artist before, and more focus on the visuals for appeal would take this to the next level. A solid chunk of the picture is taken up by that sign, and I'd rather have it zoomed in with more room for the detail you've shown yourself to be good at.
Oh hey! A physical scribble. These are certainly rare - and far more difficult to pull off than the average digital-with-layers scribble that the rest of us do, so props for going for it. It's been a long time since you participated in one of these, so I don't quite remember how you played it back then - but I think that a lot could be gained from you spending a bit longer on these, at least in this case. The joke is funny and could go great with the prompt, but a third of your image is huge text explaining the scenario when I think it'd be more interesting if you were to illustrate a dusty, messy, cobweb-filled room in the background to show - and not tell - the scenario you're trying to convey. I'm not quite sure how long you spent on this, but I'd try challenging you to spend your full three hours on a single scribble next time to see what you can cook up. Spend some time drawing concepts, try a few new things. You might be surprised with what you come up with.
Another win for caption meta. The caption really makes this one, of course Homer wanders in. Go figure. This one's straight out of a treehouse of horror, and I like the perspective you went for. Drawing Homer at that angle seems tough, but you managed to pull it off. The strange tunnel in the wall is sufficiently dark and spooky as well - you consistently excel at that kind of stuff. Drawing weird dark spaces is like your magical talent, and I always enjoy seeing the kind of legitimate depth and detail you're able to add with your scribbly darkness lighting. Anyway, this was Homer's hole. It was made for him. The Enigma of Springfield Fault, print it and ship it.
Uh, what the fuck? This deserves a "Most Improved" award, I genuinely can't convey how much of a colossal improvement this is over your past scribbles. The expressions, the lighting, the vibes, this is awesome. That Sans is so fucking ominous lurking in the background like that, if he was my roommate I would probably echo Waluigi in his abject mortal terror. I'm not really sure the faces in the floorboards add much besides a superfluous detail that sort of distracts from the main scene, but that's hardly an issue because this one is otherwise really great. You've gotta keep this up, your growth is extremely evident.
Literally me. You didn't seem super enthused with this one as you were drawing it but I think it's super funny. The expressions are awesome and the entire feel of the picture perfectly describes the exasperated misery that comes with trying to live with someone who has infinitely more social energy than you. The background is a little simple, but the expressions are the main focus of this piece and it's definitely for the better. Very funny duo, these two - though if the moon's newspaper is to be believed, that serial nudist has been at large for like three years now. Will anyone stop this madman already?
Oh man, fuck that guy. These door-to-door guys... OooOOohh they make me so mad. At least he's just a salesman though, and not a mormon or similar brand of religious crusader. Then I'd really have fighting words... This one kind of reminds me of those "wii would like to play" ads from the 2000s for the, well, Wii. Relatable scenario that I think anyone who lives in a place ready to be accosted by salespeople can relate to. I think this one is a little simplistic compared to some of your past ones, but there's some strong choices here like the shadows of the doorframe enveloping the homeowner and the inside of the house. It's strong framing that really separates the two "halves" of this world. The bright, overwhelming colors of the outdoors, whether intentional or not, constrast so heavily with the dark "interior" that it really does feel oppressive, like someone's intruding on your safe space.
The horse. He's here. He casually brought maybe the best scribble in the tournament's history with him - or close to - but I'm still not letting his ass in. See, I have a thing about horses, they make for poor roommates. Vowed a long time ago to never let one of 'em into my house, and I've been successful thus far. This isn't about to change, so I'm just gonna pretend I'm not home.

...For real though, this is just deranged. That perspective, the detail, the framing device, everything about this one is just crazy. I'm at a loss for words looking at this one, I can barely even understand at all how you did this one and yet here it is. If this is your FIRST scribble of the tournament, I am scared shitless of the incomprehensible things you're about to unleash on the world. Every year I think you've peaked, and every year my ass is proven wrong.
Another physical scribble! I'll cut the intro short and just echo the same thing I said earlier. Always super impressive to see a physical scribbler, and you especially always manage to put out quality, detailed work that seems like it would hard to pull off even WITH layers and an undo button. Rapunzel and her little dude are cute, and the hair looks great. It was a bold choice to make the hair dominate so much of the frame considering hair is often quite difficult to pull off, but the shading between the highlighter and the white space looks great and you managed to make it work. Also great to see you draw something other than Mario.
This one is really beautiful for the most part. I forget whether you've scribbled before, but aspects of this one like the way you managed the outdoor sky remind me of Wogl's style, which is a huge compliment. There's a solemn, lonely sort of feel to this one - but a hopeful one at the same time. The outside world almost looks post-apocalyptic and barren, this small plant in the bottle, the last greenery for miles. Yet, it perseveres and grows. Maybe that's just my imagination, maybe this is the fuckin suburbs, but death of the artist etc. and you're dead as hell. This one is almost perfect, but I do think that it's held back by the lines representing sunbeams coming from the sky into the window. I think this would have been much cleaner looking without those, or even if they were larger, solid-color beams instead. As it stands, they're just a bit messy - but that's the only problem I can come up with. Great piece.
lol, I like this. The expressions are funny, the barbecue looks surprisingly great, and the joke of Hank Hill being mortified at Mario for just generating fire himself instead of using propane like god intended is good. I actually really like the way Mario likes in this, he's off-model but he looks like such a funny little guy. I think this would have worked way less if Mario actually looked like he always did, so good choice. The characters in general look good, even if I think Hank looks a big skinny. I think that it would've maybe looked better if you'd made the smoke from the barbecue a more "solid" cloud that either goes behind the characters or overlaps with Hank, his lineart showing through the cloud in black still. It's extremely nitpicky, but it's somewhat difficult to glean the intent of it at first, as it sort of just looks like a blue scribble until you put the pieces together.
literally me (real)

I actually love this one for reasons beyond the extremely obvious. The meat on the cauldron looks great and... surprisingly appetizing. The weirdo green halloween juice inside is lit really well, and the huge difference in lineart between my plague doctor fella and his thick lines and the thinner, scribbled, detailed lines on the food, liquid, and grill give both halves of the image a very distinct feel. I have often said with some of these that the backgrounds can feel a bit empty, but this one feels a bit different because of those techniques - it doesn't look like the background is empty, it looks like it's fucking dark and there's some weirdo looming over the glowing green death grill. 10/10 would jump in and pop out in another area of grunty's lair.
Another player, another "best scribble" from them. I'll admit this one isn't super involved in terms of complex techniques, but the perspective and lineart on this one are leagues above your past few scribbles if I'm remembering correctly. These are indeed something new going on the mantle, and honestly this prompt is rough as hell so props for adhering to it so closely - even I went hard off script on this one. I admittedly don't really understand what's up with the fire though, and why Chibi Robo and... Sonichu? are melting in the flames. That being said, I like the way you actually illustrated them melting in the flames, so you did a great job with that.

That's about it for my commentary this time. I hope more people chip in with some of their own, I love Scribble Talk(registered trademark). I'll be back next week.
With all this said though, I do struggle to make out the features of the delivery person. I'm stuck between seeing Nico with a reptillian evil eye, an eyepatch, and either a gaping black mouth or mustache facing the camera - or a neckbeard with glasses and a Nico hat facing sideways.

thank u for ur comment and kind words 🤟 for this piece its me and tb having dinner and the delivery driver is some random middle-aged dude with glasses just wearing a nico hat (brand marketing) so basically i got baited into thinking nico would come to deliver pizza (it was a scam) 😢

Below are the winning team submissions of this round, as determined by 34 voters.



* Individual results are in order "(P1 vote)-(P2 vote)-(Team vote)". O denotes a win in that category.
At least two category wins are needed for a team to win the round.


The creators of these scribbles have been awarded one point for this round,
There are no eliminations in this tournament. You advance to the next round even if you are not listed here.

End of Round 1
Congratulations to everyone!

The Round 2 brackets and theme will be announced in a few hours.

Click the box below to reveal this round's general theme and match-ups.


Out About Town
Prompts will include locations and sights that might be present in a city or other urban environment.









Representing Team Inktoplasm this round:
Kright - Grape (#771BC6)
Woglril - Waluigi Purple (#5D1599)

The round gimmick is


* This round works like a relay race. *
It is divded into two phases, covering two weeks in total. *

* On week one, both of you will start drawing a picture.
On week two, you will receive your partner's drawing and have to finish it. *

* For week one, you must use your partner's color INSTEAD of your own. *

* You have one hour instead of three. *

* You may strategize with your partner BEFORE starting your clock. You may describe to them what you did AFTER your time limit expires.
You may NOT discuss the image WHILE your clock is running, or reveal your image or prompt AT ANY TIME. *

* For this round, your submission must be a digital image. This is to ensure your partner can receive and complete it.
Pen and paper drawings will not work (this is a limitation of the format, I apologize). *

The short version (for this week):
One hour. Use your partner's color. Picture doesn't have to be finished.
Don't talk while your clock is running and don't reveal your prompt or image.
Image needs to be digital.

Prompts for this round will unlock
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You can now receive your prompt from the bot.


Please submit your scribbles before

Some advice for this round:

  • Some players have asked me how they should approach this round, with regards to the two phase structure. Here are some general ideas for what you can do:
    • Draw a background, so your partner doesn't have to and can focus on characters.
    • Do the inverse and draw characters, so your partner can put them into a proper scenario.
    • Draw half of the image and leave the rest blank, so your partner can draw the other half.
    • Draw a complete picture and let your partner apply touch-ups and detail work.
    • Do a concept sketch for your partner to use, so they don't have to waste time coming up with an idea.
    • Anything else you can think of that will help your partner.
  • You are allowed to discuss your strategy ahead of time (just not while the clock is running). It is highly recommended that you do this. Communication and delegation is key in this round.
  • You still submit your image to me. Do NOT send it to your partner, and do NOT reveal or hint at the prompt.
  • If you select a name/caption this week, it will be relayed to your partner as a suggestion next week.
  • Don't forget that, for this week, you need to use your partner's color INSTEAD of (NOT in addition to!!) your own. Make sure you know what that color is before you start your clock so you don't waste part of your one hour digging for hex codes.
  • One hour isn't long, but don't panic if you run out of time. Even if you couldn't finish what you set out to do, or made a mistake, your partner still has a chance to pull your picture out of the fire next week.
  • There won't be a reveal of submissions or a vote at the end of this week. This is not advice, but I want to set the expectation anyway.
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