13 day Nintendo Retrospective (Starts March 19)

I got the original DS and later the lite version. Both versions were compatible with the GBA, which did come in handy if I wanted some GBA time and also for transferring Pokemon to the DS. It was nice that there was the option to play GBA games on either the top or bottom screens, since I got a little drop of water on my DS lite and the top screen was never the same after that.

Typically for DS games, the top screen would be for the gameplay, and the touch screen would be for controlling characters or for the map and options menu. Some games did make it so both screens would be used during gameplay, and sometimes touch controls would barely be used.

Nintendogs is a great example of a game that's mostly touch control. Yoshi Touch and Go is a good example as well. Super Mario 64 DS was a good remake of the original and good 3D platformer on the DS. (I don't think there were that many on the DS, I only other one I played was Tak 3 and liked that one as well). NSMB was the return of 2D Mario, which was a big deal at the time. And the Mario and Luigi games were great.

On the DS itself, PictoChat was fun to send messages and drawings to other nearby people.

Multiplayer this time around was wireless instead of using link cables. The multiplayer on games like Pokemon, Tetris DS, Mario Kart DS, Mario Party DS, NSMBDS, and others was amazing.

I also did experience the Wifi mode of DS games. Mario Kart DS was fun, but it was only limited to 4 players and only about half the tracks. Zelda Phantom Hourglass multiplayer, which I personally thought was the best part of that game, was fun but challenging. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl with trading and battling was interesting and it even featured voice chat with the DS mic.
Day 10 Wii
Ah a classic system, introduced me to non PC downloadable games, didn't care about the graphics not being the most advanced at the time, unfortunately a lot of devs didn't understand motion controls so a lot of games that could be good ended up as annoying
Day 10 Wii
Ah a classic system, introduced me to non PC downloadable games, didn't care about the graphics not being the most advanced at the time, unfortunately a lot of devs didn't understand motion controls so a lot of games that could be good ended up as annoying
The Wii was the main home console I grew up with! Many awesome memories.
The Gamecube 2.0, but with Motion Controls.

We were able to get the Wii the midnight it launched. Wii Sports was cool. It was amazing to move the controller and it would actually work. Bowling is probably my favorite sport in the game. The sequel was fun as well, but required motion plus which was a little more accurate.

But other games pretty much shoehorned in motion controls when it wasn't necessary. But it was the novelty at the time so I get why they did.

Regardless, many of the games were great. Like Mario Galaxy, Mario Kart Wii, Smash Bros Brawl, NSMBW, and Zelda Twilight Princess. There was so much hype going into Brawl, and was pretty fun despite some if its quirks. Even Wii Party was a good Mario Party clone.

Even the side channels like Everybody Votes Channel, Check Mii Out Channel were fun. The Internet Channel came in handy when I wanted to watch YouTube videos. Even the Forecast channel and News channel was cool.

The Wii was backwards compatible with the gamecube, so that also was neat. Virtual Console was also great to play games from the SNES, N64, and other systems. Although looking back, 5 dollars for each NES game is crazy to think about.
Day 11 3DS
First console I ever got on launch date, in hindsight it was a bit too easy to do so but the build up to it was genuinely exciting
The 3D was neat but didn't really add much to the games themselves but still a lot of great games and probably the last console where most of the library consist of these lower budget games
Day 11 3DS
First console I ever got on launch date, in hindsight it was a bit too easy to do so but the build up to it was genuinely exciting
The 3D was neat but didn't really add much to the games themselves but still a lot of great games and probably the last console where most of the library consist of these lower budget games
I will always cherish Christmas 2011 when I got my Nintendo 3DS… Super Mario 3D Land and Mario & Luigi: Dream Team I played non-stop when I was younger! I got a Nintendo 2DS XL on Christmas Day 2018, but I still have my old 3DS. Fantastic handheld device overall and a personal favorite of mine.
To be honest, I didn't really commit to the 3DS that much. Even after getting the 3DS a couple of years after it came out. Its crazy to think that the system started out at 250 dollars.

The new thing that came out of this was the 3D feature. I didn't use the 3D feature that much, but other people seemed to get use out of it so it did work.

I did like the games that I played though. Smash Bros 3DS was pretty cool. I think I might like it even better than the Wii U version. The Smash Run mode was cool. (Although it could have used more customization rules, being able to interact with other players, and online). Taking pictures with the AR cards was fun. And backwards compatibility with the DS was also nice.
What's a Wii U?

To be serious, at first it seemed like the Wii U was going to be great. But the Wii U didn't have much interesting games in the beginning. Also, Virtual Console wasn't even ready at launch, and it took long to get N64, GBA, and DS games on the service. (And it cost 1-2 dollars per game to use Wii U features if you transferred VC games from your Wii to Wii U, which I didn't do).

I didn't play a whole bunch of Wii U games either since I only got it right near the end of it's lifespan, but there were a few good games. Super Mario 3D World was a fun multiplayer game, Splatoon was a cool new Nintendo game, and Mario Kart 8. (Although it was missing a proper battle mode).
Day 13 Switch
A really unique concept with so much games I couldn't possibly keep count, but unfortunately Joy Con Drift is a real pain so I try to keep controllers in best state possible
Amazing console! A console you can take with you and play on the TV? Awesome!