Super Mario Boards

I hate annotating things and trying to find some *hidden* or *deeper* meaning to something.

Like if someone was asked to play a Mario game and analyze the plot.

"Stop digging for hidden layers and just be impressed." - Rick, Rick and Morty
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
Right? Maybe Jimmy just likes going for walks because it's good exercise or it helps clear his mind, it's not some deep symbolic shit.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
The one I took in community college didn't really give me good classical works but like, these obscure boring short stories with "oh this is so deep and whatever" no one gave a shit about. High school gave me Lord of the Flies, The Bean Trees, The Crucible, Of Mice and Men, ettc, all fun to read. One of the only classical works I did not like was The Great Gatsby, I just found that story boring.
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
My high school class never gave me full books, only excerpts from classic literature. And then they made us find all these stupid symbolisms and made us remember these minute details that none out of none people would every care about. I think that's part of the reason I don't like classic literature, my school ruined it. They also cherry picked literature so it was only by Christian authors and if it wasn't, they made it a big deal to mention "this guy sucks because he was an atheist" but that's just Christian school being shitty.
Well, maybe Jimmy going for a walk represents his life going forward and how he can be happy and carefree.

See how dumb it is trying to find a hidden meaning?

Chances are it probably wasn't what the author wanted.
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
Just let Jimmy live his damn life.
Maybe I should just write a book and let schools go nuts trying to find a deep or hidden meaning to it.

And I'll be sitting there going: "There is no meaning. Quit trying to overanalyze text.*
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
Holy shit, analysis bait. That's an amazing idea and it would be so fucking funny.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
Wow, your class is actually pretty shitty, because we read several full books throughout the semester.

Well, I found Lord of Flies fun because of all of the analysis and the symbolism it invokes in my class, I reread that book several times. Plus, it has marooned children going crazy over hunting and getting violent. Some of the symbolism is in fact bullshit though, reminds me of in art history class where there was a painting that people said was "adam and eve" and "religious symbolism" when all it really was was an artist trying to be salacious and trying to defy academy art conventions lol

Also, Victor Hugo's Les Miserables spends pages talking about a fucking vine that was cut in the abridged edition lol. Some writers of the classic era were paid by the word, such as Charles Dickens, hence why there's a tremendous amount of padding in some of these novels.
I shit you not last week our assignment in English class was to read and annotate the Declaration of Independence and look for it's usage of kairos, ethos, pathos, and logos.

Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
I was taught that was a complaint letter lol and we made fun of it.
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
Early Americans: "Fuck you England."

English class: "I can make a deep analysis out of this document that's definitely a literary work and not a historical document."
Les Miserables

I watched the 2012 movie of it and hated how long it was, so I imagine the book is ten times as long.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
Animal Farm though, that's an amazing classical novel, and a lot of the symbolism in there is legit, it becomes much more enjoyable to read when you know the historical context behind it.
If there is one book that people should totally analyze for its meaning, it's 1984.
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
I only remember reading five full books and I've already forgotten what one of them even was. There was Pilgrim's Progress (even shortened, totally fuck that), Silas Marner (which I actually liked), Julius Caesar, and Macbeth (no).
Last year in English class we did Macbeth.

It was in play format so we got a chance to read it.
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
Ours was too but I still fucking hated it. Contrary to what my signature might make you think, Shakespeare isn't my style.
lol i looked at your sig and i love it

I didn't hate Macbeth.
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
People only remember like, the overall setting where it's pretty dystopian and you have telescreens that blare propaganda while the main character has to play along it and do a lot of hiding (plus dressing up the government branches in a lot of ironic words such as calling the torture area the Ministry of Love or the lying propaganda thing the Ministry of Truth), and the parts where the main character gets interrogated, which is in the end of the book. No one really seems to talk about the tepid romance between the main character and this woman who betrays him, the middle parts is where no one talks about lol. I'd say the beginning parts that establish the setting is a fine read and the ending gave a pretty memorable scene but I don't remember anything that happens in the middle leading up to the interrogation. Maybe I should reread it at some point now I've gotten older.

1984 DOES have a lot of historical context behind it, it was written as a scathing indictment of Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany, so it's best to understand where the author is coming from, but parts of 1984 is very difficult to read, especially when it goes rambling for a lot of paragraphs without a break.