Super Mario Boards

"They want you to live in fear! Nothing will go wrong if you stick your hand in a blender and turn it on!"
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
If you think they hate those, imagine how much they hate seat belt laws.
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
Oh people hated seat belt laws

Will Solace
Will Solace
It's not invalid to dislike wearing masks as it feels much more legitimate to see everyone's mouth along with the rest of their face. It's when you make the stupid decision to not wear one which severely endangers other people that makes you the problem
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
Masks make me smirk at birds without people realizing I'm laughing at them. I like that kind of secrecy.
Will Solace
Will Solace
I guess but I sort of have the opposite attitude related to that, I want to know what people really think or feel so it bugs me when I can't tell whether they're smiling, frowning, or scowling
Let me preface this by stating three things:
1. I'm just some random Christian homeschooled senior who could be making a very bad decision in posting this (I am willing to admit that but I'd like to get this off my chest). In the end, my opinion doesn't really matter, and you should take this with a grain of salt.
2. It is my preference to not wear a mask whenever possible because a mask in combination with my allergies can lead to me having a very very very hard time breathing.
3. I am, however, totally willing to wear one if it makes you feel more comfortable or if it's required somewhere. I 100% get it, precautions, health, safety and all.

I can understand where these people are coming from. I mean, you literally just pointed out an article about people hating seatbelts - when they were first introduced. All this covid biz has only been around for what, barely two years? We can't expect everyone to instantly love these new ideas. It can be hard for people to embrace new ideas and they have a right to remain cautious. (Plus, seatbelts have had like, sixty years of proof that they work. Masks... don't.) A thought that has crossed my mind is that these people have their freedoms and aren't willing to give it up for anything. Freedom wasn't free, after all, and if the government comes in and tells them that this new idea is mandatory, they really aren't going to be happy about being test subjects of sorts without consent.

Also I'm not totally convinced masks... work? I mean, yeah, they're meant to keep germs from getting out, but- well, my brother got a haircut once with a mask on and afterwards it was full of tiny hairs. My thought is if the mask can't keep stuff as small as hair clippings out, how can it keep microscopic germs in? (I will add that I am fine with stuff like physical distancing and reduced capacity.)


Am I telling you to stop wearing masks? Absolutely not. So before you slam me for *insert sarcastic tone* obviously being one of those stereotypical Christian Republican Texans who don't give a [Cungadero] what the government says and simply does what pleases me without caring for others *exit sarcastic tone* even though I hope I'm being much more open-minded about this compared to others, let me remind you that I have no problem whatsoever wearing a mask if you want me to, it's simply a personal preference of mine to not wear one due to my allergies (plus being a teenager and having a high chance of getting pimples, which is a situation masks don't help in the slightest).

Last semi-related thing: Masks actually do a fabulous job of keeping your face warm on a cold day. If there's a stinging cold outside, consider wearing one simply for warmth. You'd be surprised how effective they are.

Anyways, thanks for reading if you made it this far (and I really hope I didn't just start a dumpster fire. I'm just trying to state my thoughts on the subject).
Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
It is my preference to not wear a mask whenever possible because a mask in combination with my allergies can lead to me having a very very very hard time breathing.

You should wear a mask whenever you go out. I don't like wearing them either, and when I was working in Micro Center, I had to deal with that and allergies as well, and especially with no tissues around. The mask stops you from sneezing into other people's faces, and it's necessary to prevent the spread as much as possible. Additionally, masks make it incredibly difficult to communicate with people, but I still need to wear them.

Also I'm not totally convinced masks... work? I mean, yeah, they're meant to keep germs from getting out, but- well, my brother got a haircut once with a mask on and afterwards it was full of tiny hairs. My thought is if the mask can't keep stuff as small as hair clippings out, how can it keep microscopic germs in? (I will add that I am fine with stuff like physical distancing and reduced capacity.)

Masks work (and there are multiple types of masks made out of different materials) by filtering out particles with their layers and cloth design, intended to trap small particles, not big ones. Hair clippings still go inside because it falls from the top of you and into some openings on the top. This is the equivalent of saying, masks don't prevent smells from getting in, therefore, they don't prevent droplets. Keep in mind that they are not guaranteed to stop COVID, they're there to reduce the risks of transmissions as most as possible, either preventing others to spread to you or you spreading the disease.

Read this too, which can explain the efficacy of masks better than I could:

it's simply a personal preference of mine to not wear one due to my allergies (plus being a teenager and having a high chance of getting pimples, which is a situation masks don't help in the slightest).

I will criticize your choice to not wear a mask due to your slight discomfort. Health and safety of others should take priority over personal convenience and being entirely comfortable.
"They want you to live in fear!
... I will not be wearing those pansy mind control devices (face masks)! And I'll be sooner caught dead than letting the govment micro chip me! ... (something, something) Biden! >:["