Super Mario Boards

I like Cristina.
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
Nothing Luigi related? Like Lucia... Lucy...
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
I don't have enough names to fit Luigi in. Luigi is also a little too male of a name for it to fit with me being female.

Also Lucia is one of the most overrated Wii CPU Miis, I don't think I could bring myself to be named after her.
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
Louise? Louisa? Luella? Lula? Luiza? LUIGINA?
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
As much as I like Luigi, the two names I'm considering come from CPU Miis in Wii Party/Wii Party U, which I'm a lot more active with.
Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun
well I'd lean a little to Mia but that's probably because it's a little more associated with Mario. I like Cristina though I like it a little more with an "h" like "Christina", seems a little more balanced. IDK.
E. C. Koopa
E. C. Koopa
The spelling of Cristina with no H is actually completely intentional but I have been debating if I would have the H in my name, if I decide to use it.
