Super Mario Boards

Mario Enjoyer
please explain this like you're speaking to an idiot so I can tell if you're based or not.
Princess Viola
Princess Viola
Mario Enjoyer
I rate you as giga-based
Will Solace
Will Solace
Lol how is that hard to make sense
Mario Enjoyer
But if you're not being respectful towards them, how do you want them to respect you? I know that they are the ones being disrespectful and sometimes violent, but if you want to be treated correctly, treat them correctly too, otherwise they will just see you as a hypocrite. To put it in short: don't try to stop war with more war.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Princess Viola
Princess Viola
@Matz Lunne

You are wrong.

'Respectability politics' has nothing to do with the LGBT+ community respecting the cishetero mainstream. It refers to the belief that marginalized communities have to adhere to the dominant and mainstream cultural norms and values in order to receive respect from the mainstream. This often entails prominent members of marginalized groups attempting to police other members of the group for not adhering towards the mainstream cultural values (and ostracizing or distancing themselves from those that are viewed as being 'less respectable')

Of course, the inherent problem with 'respectability politics' is that it doesn't challenge and change the mainstream view of what is 'normal' or 'acceptable'. In fact, it does exactly the opposite and just further entrenches the view that there is in fact an objectively correct way to act and live their lives.
Nono, I wasn't referring to that. I was referring to the 'We didn't gain rights by being quiet and respetful to our opressors' part.
Princess Viola
Princess Viola
It's not nonsense, imagine someone killing someone you love, so you go with them and tell them 'don't kill' and proceed to kill someone they love. The fact the first LGBT+ rights movements were riots doesn't mean that they were right to be violent towards people, LGBT+ or not. (sorry about the original end to the post, I got a bit angry.)