Super Mario Boards

London Parris
London Parris
Those critics that trashed it most likely didn't watch it. Best entry in the Star Wars franchise.
@Psy no, it's just that they're capable of having an opinion that isn't yours.

I found to film to be enjoyable, but flawed, with a major issue being
references to series past for no reason. Did they really need to bring the Emperor back? they didn't even bother explaining it, they just mentioned it in the opening text. Why is Lando in this film, he didn't even do anything. Less egregious examples are the Jawas and Ewoks appearing at the end of the film.

also the army of Star Destroyers is dumb
besides that I enjoyed the film
Yeah, the Emperor's appearance was confusing at best. But hey, the point of Star Wars was to look cool and be enjoyable, with excitement abound. While a coherent story certainly helps (and I understand the issues with it going everywhere in this film), the story doesn't take away from the Star Wars experience. When story gets in the way of that, you get the prequels :P (I'm kidding, mostly.) I think it was a good tribute that brings everything together, even if the ties are a little loose.

And Lando's cool just by being there.
I haven't seen The Rise of Skywalker yet, but I've got high hopes for it and I'm really hoping to see it soon. People ragged on Return of the Jedi way back when, and yet it's my favorite Star Wars movie to this day, so I could honestly care less what the critics say. (I also really liked The Last Jedi so fight me)
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Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
It was good