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  • Guys I was lowkey 13 years old in 2022 why did I type like that 😭
    I'm so bad at drawing hands people think my art is AI generated 😎😎😎
    I was looking through my old profile posts and man, I'm really wondering why I posted that stuff.
    Like gee, did I know how to shut up when I was 13/ a year ago?
    Same here man
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    Wow. A thousand posts. Not sure if this time was WASTED but I did enjoy it.

    Here's to a thousand more posts!
    I had a terrible dream where I got banned from this site the reason being "you say dude too much"

    what is this supposed to mean?
    Getting back into CRK. I love it because it's very generous for a mobile game.
    I'm going to be doing a randomized semi-nuzlocke of Pokémon Black!

    Because it'll be my first Nuzlocke, I decided to remove one bit of the challenge. The rules are the exact same BUT If I fail to catch a route's first Pokémon (like if I accidentally make it faint) I can try to catch the second Pokémon I encounter.

    still only one capture allowed per route though.
    I played Undertale for 2 seconds and funny skeleton man hasn't appeared yet.
    Edit: 3 seconds in and there he is.

    (On a more serious note I'm stuck on a boss who I'm 60% sure is the final boss of the pacifist route. I genuinely enjoy the game, its music, its challenges, and mostly its humor. I think this game may be my next personality.)
    I'm stuck on Asgore, more specifically. I know that I HAVE to attack, it's just that I'm godawful at dodging the attacks.
    Hm, yeah, you DO have to fight him but there's not much of a trick to it. There's a couple things you could do, I suppose.
    1. Try, try again. Practice makes perfect, after all.
    2. If you happen to still have the butterscotch/cinnamon pie Toriel gave you, it'll instantly end the fight if you eat it in front of him.
    3. Stock up on healing items and better weapons and armor. I would recommend you backtrack to Waterfall, solve the piano puzzle, and get Dog Residue. If you use it, it instantly fills your inventory with Dog Residue, which you can then consequently sell at Temmie Village. If you save one after selling a bunch, you can then use it to refill your inventory with Dog Residue, sell all but one, ad infinitum. If you have the patience for it, it's a way to have an infinite amount of gold.
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    Yeah, and you can get the ultra special armor without dying to lower the price! et tu, Lazy Shell?
    I put Hannibal Traven in a presentation about Amcient Rome and the teacher didn't even blink at it I'm choking
    Watched Turning Red yesterday. After that, I want to be a mindless parent obeying zombie. I want to devote all my time to making my dad happy. (I die before but that movie just made me want to be somehow less rebellious than I already am.)
    • Angry
    Reactions: Toadettefan
    Yes it is. For some reason however, I feel more compelled to be a parent obeying mindless personality-less zombie.
    You shouldn't let the media influence who you are as a person. You should be willing to be yourself and not let your parents control your entire life for you. You should be allowed to have your own hobbies and goals in life, and not fall into the habit of making your parents happy just because it makes you feel good inside. Yes, they want what's best for you in life, but there are times where it's better to listen yourself and your friends when it comes to advice. Trust me, this kind of behaviour will only get worse if is isn't resolved quickly, especially when your parents could be very manipulative or abusive towards you.
    Nah, my pa isn't abusive. He has really low standards on the contrary. Those standards being to pass school.
    I got Strep Throat. I'm coughing like crazy.

    I have advice for you before I die. (Maybe from old age, maybe from coughing too much.)

    Only YOU can prevent wildfires.
    *old man voice* Back in my day… we didn't call it "Furry UwU talk"! We called it "Talking like Elmer Fudd!"
    ...Well I mean you're not wrong.
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    Wots uh kids dees days don't truwy know how it aw stawted... Heheheheheheh!
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    Dumb question but: anyone know a site I can get math worksheets? I stink at two step equations and need practice. I preferably need one that doesn't show the answers immediately but I can press a button to show the answers and confirm my work.

    I apologize. But I need math practice.
    Remind me on April 13 of 2023 that unlike usernames, passwords ARE case sensitive.
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