My brother and I are playing the Pokémon card game and could use a hand real quick figuring something out: Does a Choice Belt affect ALL V type Pokémon, or JUST V Pokémon? (He is using a Mew VMax at the moment and we can't find a straight answer online.)
Something that makes me incredibly sad is that I think humanity has lost its desire to do things well. Most people seem content to do the bare minimum or let a robot do it for them. There's no spirit of excellence, if you will.
Just cleared all the story levels of Rayman Legends Definitive Edition on my Switch! (May or may not be planning on doing lyrical covers of the last level of each world. If you have suggestions on songs from this game I should cover [cue zelen], feel free to let me know!)
Despite the absurd cost to 100% the game, I really enjoy Mini Mario + Friends amiibo Challenge. Hoping to snap a Rosalina amiibo this Christmas season so I can actually 100% it lol.
To any of my fellow writers:
Here are three things you can do while to help hone your writing skills in other areas:
1. Use proper punctuation while texting. Instead of typing "hey dude whats up," type "Hey dude, what's up?" (Easy)
2. Stop using abbreviations such as "lol," "tbh," "smh," etc. Get your point across with full words and sentences. (a little harder)
3. Turn off auto-correct. This will force you to manually change typos and add your own apostrophes. (Hardest, which isn't saying much)
I do all three of these and I have noticed a significant improvement in my writing since I started.