Super Mario Boards

Xiahou Ba
Xiahou Ba
I'm 2 years shy of being 30 (will turn 29 next month) and this is what like my 15th early-life crisis? It's getting better because I do have a secure, stable paying job that essentially got rid of 90% of fear of being a failure who needs to rely on parents all the time. Financing and insuring my own car was such a terrific step in the right direction for my life, and while my job isn't paying super amazingly right now (CCAs are basically paid minimum wage and have brutal work-life balance), the benefits, security, better work-life balance and pay raises that come later will be very good.

I can't believe my 30's are approaching still.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
I'm already 30. I don't think it's really that old to be on this forum, especially given I saw one guy that was 38, and even another guy that was 71, and also the fact there's a lot of older adult Mario fans out there. Also, I do have a life outside of this forum. I'm in college, and in two years I'll graduate and be off to my new job. I'll still be on here, except for 8 hours during the day when I'm at my job. I'm only on this forum twice per day-2 hours during the day and an hour and a half during the evening, so it's not like I need to "get a life"; I already have one. This isn't the only thing I do with my time; it's just one of the things I do for fun sometimes (as in twice a day).
Sometimes I feel like I'm older than I actually am, 15 kind of feels too young for me, I kind of wish I was 16 already but I don't think I can legally change my birth date so oh well. I think it might be because several people I know actively think I'm in college and I have to keep telling them I'm not
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Like, I love this place and it's a nice place to chat with other fans, but I also realize I'm an adult and I have adult responsibilities and have to take care of those first-like, this forum should be something fun I just do, not my entire life, and it isn't, because I know that isn't healthy. Just like I know it isn't healthy for this to be the only thing I do with my free time, and it isn't; there's a lot of other stuff I also do and enjoy, as well as stuff I need to do because responsibilities. Also, this upcoming summer for my job resume I'm going to be doing some volunteer work, and also bagging groceries at the grocery store. I plan to go to Super Nintendo World at Universal this summer, too though.
Saiki Kusuo
Saiki Kusuo
I'm 47 for real definitely