Super Mario Boards

Super Bad Mario
Super Bad Mario
Well, I try to think that way, but honestly, I'm not a good person, so they're isn't much positive I can say about myself.
I mean, we should all definitely try to be better versions of ourselves, but somebody telling you that you'll never be as good as them isn't right
Super Bad Mario
Super Bad Mario
Yeah, everything has to have a leaderboard or championship this and ranking that, can't I do what I want without having someone tell me "wow, but that was absolutely nothing compared to these people" like dude
We're all unique. You were designed to be YOU for a reason, and no one can be you better than you. Sure, we can all improve in any given area. That's a fact of life. But if you're improving on yourself, there's no reason to compare yourself to others at all. Set goals without comparing yourself (and don't forget that comparison is the enemy of contentment).
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
Yeah, social media has given me severe confidence issues over the past few years. I used to be quite confident in my own abilities, but overtime, that confidence has greatly diminished because of social media. I started comparing myself and my written works to others and their written works, and it made me feel inferior to them and gave me the idea that I could do better at writing, hoping to get on the level of writing as other people do. And it wasn't just writing ability that made me feel inferior, as I also started comparing my personal life to that of others. Most of the people I know on the internet have lives and priorities outside the internet that I'll likely never have myself: Studying, paying bills, having a family to support, that kind of stuff. It made me feel aware of how I have way too much time on hands outside of the internet because I don't have any friends outside of the internet, along with barely any hobbies. When I compared my personal life to that of others, I began to feel that I have no life outside of the internet. So with all of that said, I definitely feel you on the general sentiment of social media.
i'm better than you loser
Aw, i'm better than you too