Super Mario Boards

Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
This is something that is not immediately evident to those not part of a particular minority, but a lot of people who are part of such a group don't find that kind of hostile rhetoric amusing, or hilarious, or meme-worthy, and would prefer not to encounter it. Putting it on a pedestal by immortalizing it in a "hall of shame" will likewise merely encourage the creation of more of it, as bad actors will rush to see who can have their most offensive comments uploaded.

Needless to say this is utterly counter-productive.
Koopa con Carne
Koopa con Carne
i've encountered plenty of jokes at the expense of (to give an example of something inherent to me) my nationality, some more offensive and unwarranted than others (we beg, we steal, we're retrograde etc.) but i learned that they're ultimately harmless and i take them in stride. they're not something being held against me and used to bar me from my day-to-day rights as a human being, nor do i feel like they foster some kind of evil attitude. having conservative idiots to laugh at is good.

"Putting it on a pedestal by immortalizing it in a 'hall of shame' will likewise merely encourage the creation of more of it, as bad actors will rush to see who can have their most offensive comments uploaded."

unless you go in there and label the page "the hall of transphobe shame", no, that's not gonna happen.
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
Out of curiosity: How often are you told that you, in particular, have no value, no right to live and should be shot on sight?
Koopa con Carne
Koopa con Carne
holy shifting-goalposts batman. someone complaining that "game is woke, stop censoring us good little christians" is still magnitudes less bad than a threat to someone's existence. if someone said something like that on the wiki, it *should* be removed and the author blocked on that basis alone.

i even said "a healthier attitude to have towards the comments in this particular case is ridicule". as in, the case of complaining that one's game is too woke.
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
I am not shifting goalposts. I am illustrating that an outsider may find this kind of abuse funny, because they see a semi-benign instance of it in one isolated place and think "lol, a tryhard keyboard kiddie, this is too dumb to get offended by". They aren't necessarily aware that, for some, that may be their 12th instance of it happening that day, in a chain of abuse of various degrees of severity from unrelated locations, endured over several weeks. Some people just don't find abuse funny, regardless of how meme-worthy it may seem to someone who is not affected by it and who can easily mentally remove themselves from that cycle.

Also, you confidently declare that bad actors would not be incentivised by having their comments immortalized. You do realize there is historical precedent to this, yes? We used to have a space here where we showcased trolls and their comments to make fun of them, and it lead to exactly what I described, with more vandalism being created and "PUT THIS ONTO [the troll showcase]" written into the comment line.
Koopa con Carne
Koopa con Carne
the obvious difference being that this is an actual talk page, made for people to discuss matters no matter how ridiculous their arguments may be, whilst what trolls perceive to be their museum and are happy to contribute to is BJAODN, a space explicitly created to host bad examples of writing. it's why i didn't say "put the vivian comments on BJAODN". Birdo's and Vivian's talk pages have been a hot pot of transphobic talking points for decades, so they already kind of have that "hall of shame" edge to them anyway, except they're not designed to be this way and thus wouldn't inherently incentivize misguided folk to throw in their two cents.

i didn't mean to cause an argument, offend anyone, and definitely not come to a point where i'd be asked if i was ever told i deserve to die. sheesh man.
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
I am not talking about BJAODN, by the way. I am talking about an external website which is now defunct, for good reason. I'm not going to say any more on the subject as it's a poor topic for a discussion plastered over the main page of the forums.

Anyway, your perturbed and unnerved feeling at being asked that question is precisely what I was trying to illustrate with how that kind of content hits different depending on how much, how often, and to what degree you are exposed to it. I would say it is inappropriate for the deriving of comedy in this venue, or at least in bad taste.

I also didn't want to cause an argument, just explain why I thought creating a hall of shame was counter-productive. But you seemed very confident that I was wrong and that casual transphobia wasn't such a big deal, so I wanted to get that cleared up.
I think I've now exhausted what I can say on the subject though. I've made my statement, so this is probably it.

My apologies to LGM for having this happen on her profile page.
Koopa con Carne
Koopa con Carne
my "perturbed and unnerved feeling" came because it was an inappropriate question to ask for the purposes of this topic. look at it this way: i say "man, it's so funny when goombas kill Mario" and you follow up with the question of "well, have you ever been in the position of someone affected by murder and genocide on a daily basis?" then, cherry on top, you emit a psychoanalysis on that person when they tell you the question came out of the left field. i don't quite think that's rational.
Lin Beifong
Lin Beifong
Do you seriously not understand why I asked you that question?
After you went onto your spiel about how casual abuse is actually always harmless and should be easy to laugh off?

Also, aren't you the guy who invoked Godwin's Law in a thread about Geno just a while ago? I'm not sure you are in the position to judge someone else on what is and is not rational in a conversation. You know, since we're apparently veering into ad hominem territory now.