Super Mario Boards

Waluigi Time
Waluigi Time
You should craft a shield, it makes skeletons mostly a non-issue.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@Waluigi Time Oh really? LOL I'm only just beginning to learn how to craft. So far I've only been able to make a house for myself and that's it. Help me! 😆

Hopefully I'll figure out how to do it sometime.
Waluigi Time
Waluigi Time
You can make a shield with six wood planks in a goalpost shape and an iron ingot at the top, you'll need a crafting table for it first though.

Also, as a tip, you should try mining at night if you can. Since monsters can spawn on the surface there will be less of them in the caves.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
@Waluigi Time Thanks! I already have a crafting table so that'll be easy. Also check out this awesome screenshot I took. I'm playing as Spyro:

Minecraft Screenshot.png
When you play Minecraft, make sure this doesn't happen to you.
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
My thoughts on your list:
  1. I agree with this, Skeletons are super annoying, although as Waluigi Time rightly mentions shields help a lot.
  2. I disagree, Spiders can be slightly annoying since they're fast and can climb walls but since they're big (I don't think they can fit through 1 block vertical gaps, or fall through 1 block holes, plus being big makes them easier to hit) and have less health/attack power I don't usually find them a big issue. Now, Cave Spiders on the other hand, those do suck, because they're smaller and can poison you, but you only find those in Abandoned Mineshafts.
  3. I disagree, Zombies are slow and are relatively weak in terms of attack power and health and have no ranged attack, and they burn in sunlight, however you are right that they can be overwhelming in crowds. For me, it's the baby zombies that are really annoying because they're so fast and small but are as strong as their adult counterparts.
  4. I agree, Creepers are really annoying, and can easily kill you if they sneak up on you, or even if you survive the explosions destroy blocks and that can be really annoying.
  5. I disagree, Guardians only spawn in Ocean Monuments and those are pretty rare, so I advise just building your base away from them. I have the misfortune that in my main survival world, my main stronghold is literally directly next to an Ocean Monument so I don't tend to hang around there a lot. By the way, if you go into Music and Sound settings you can individually reduce Hostile Creatures volume level, that should help.

My list would be:
  1. Creepers
  2. Skeletons
  3. Ghasts (they only spawn in the Nether which I'm guessing you haven't reached yet)
  4. Baby Zombies
  5. Pillagers (they spawn in "patrols" every so often and are really annoying with their crossbows. They go after villagers too, and I've lost some good villagers to Pillager patrols.)
  6. Phantoms (they spawn if you don't sleep for 3 days and are a royal pain to deal with. Having to sleep every 3 days isn't too bad given my play style, but it still sucks to lose that freedom. There's also the fact that Elytra used to be repaired with leather which was easier, but they then changed it to Phantom Membrane when Phantoms were added.)
  7. Trident Drowneds (drowneds are the water zombies, and only a minority have tridents but they can deal a lot of damage from afar)
  8. Vexes (these only spawn when summoned by Evokers, who are found only in Woodland Mansions and Village Raids, both of which the player can simply avoid, but they are sooo frustrating with their quick speed, small size, flight, hefty damage, and ability to phase through blocks)
  9. Silverfish (these spawn from infested blocks that look like normal blocks, and attacking one triggers other silverfish to come out of their blocks and attack you, so they can be annoying, but I usually don't have much problem with them outside of Strongholds)
  10. Cave Spiders
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
@SparksMarioWiki that's a really old version of Minecraft, and iirc they actually changed Creepers' behaviour later - you can see in that gif the Creeper is still running even after it's lit, whereas Creepers in modern Minecraft tend to stop and hiss before they explode. Still though, getting sneaked up on happens to me every so often and really can suck, so that's why I ranked them first on my list.
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Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Guess what guys-I built a house for myself! I'll show you all screenshots later tonight! 🏠

Also @MiracleDinner I think only reason I have trouble with zombies is because I'm a beginner
and thus have the skill issues LOL. I'm having trouble fighting off ALL of the enemies if there is more than one attacking
at the same time. Then again I wonder if other players have trouble with that. Also yeah, Creepers are annoying but at
least if I activate one and then run away they just blow themselves up anyway.
Princess Zatanna
Princess Zatanna
I look forward to seeing your house!