Super Mario Boards

Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
I've never done that but I'd imagine it would make you feel really guilty afterwards. That's not a good feeling. Hate is just negative energy anyway. It festers inside you and wears down your soul. It's not good for you emotionally and it's not good for your body or your brain either. And it just makes you all bitter and miserable inside as long as you still hold onto it. That's why people who are hateful all the time are generally not happy people.
Barby Koala
Barby Koala
Believe me, I regretted doing it a few days later and talked about it with a couple of other people, and while my tension and resentment died down afterward, my self-loathing flared up in its place and has been lingering in my mind for the last few days now.
Knuckles The Echidna
Knuckles The Echidna
Well you learned a lesson. Don't beat up on yourself. I know what it's like to do that because I'm one of those people who has a tendency to do that. Just be a better person next time and remember you're just a human being; you're not supposed to be or expected to be perfect. Like, you forgave the person. Now you need to forgive yourself. Like, you've already been hard on yourself-the time for that is over-now it's time to just move on.